the first ride


Took my first ride on my busa today. Was a bit nervous after reading about the wheelie potential, the power etc. I also kept in mind that it is still a motorcycle and the right hand and control of its impulses dictates disaster or fun. The biggest difficulty was getting it out of the garage. I'm tippy toeing a bit on it and had some difficulty getting it rolling back. Feel free to leave suggestions. No I don't have room to turn it around, got a 00' honda magna beside it. Whatever, got it out and took off. The engineers should be sainted for designing this bike. Power everywhere, torque at willl, just look where you want to go and you are there. Didn't really break 5k on the tach due to not wanting the front to loft. Did crack 100 mph a few times, stable as a stone. A rollling miracle. I hope I never get used to it to the point that I forget how quick it can bite with all that power. An amazing motorcyle. Going riding tomorrow also but that's with a cruiser group and will be completely different. Like I have read here, "welcome to the additction".. Its true. Yes, I know, PICS. Thanks all.
Well said
I agree wholeheartedly with your assessments. It is truly an amazing piece of engineering. Welcome and congrats.
go boost... it will change your views on everything

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Yeah, yeah....PICS! No excuses. PICS!
congrats on the new bike
...and Welcome to the board

... You should get yourself a set of frame sliders first. It is a heavy bike when you are not riding it!
Glad you enjoyed that first ride! They only get better from here! And when that you take it above 5k RPM, then you'll know!
Congrats and welcome to the board. I think I'll always remember the first ride, but the rides after that are even better. Just wait till you get above 5K, then the real fun begins. And oh yeah, we need PICS!
I feel the same way every time I ride it.

Truly awesome!

Congrads on the new addition to the family! BTW, did you take the busa on the group ride today? I'm sure if you let your best friend ride it, he'll be jealous as #####