the first time down...

Yeah, I stopped at a stop light and put my foot down in oil. That's all I'm gonna say. :whistle:

I did the same thing! LOL. I didn't drop the bike but I did some splits and pulled my groin. I think I had to skip as I tuned toward my leg inorder to get it up right. It had to be funny to watch.

When i went down I was at a stop sign trying to get onto one of the more used streets. I stalled the bike and the battery had gone dead. The bike didn't start so I got off and started to push. Forgetting I was in 1st gear with the throttle over halfway open I let go of the clutch. As most of you have already guessed that is a great push start. The bike takes off and like a idiot I hold on wondering what is going on. By the time I let go I had gone about 15 feet. the bike fell over and did 1 1/2 spins on the clutch cover. I could have ridden it home if my gear shift wasn't in the shape of a "U"

pulled away a bit to hasty on a suz 250 stroker out side the local cafe on a wet road , high sided , got thrown in the air and landed on the bars , ouch :whistle:
of course all my friends were sat at the window watching , lesson learnt :thumbsup:
Sometimes I go down as many as four times in one ride. Love gravel.:laugh:
I use training wheels though, that way I train how not to drop the Busa.

Husky road.jpg
Yeah, countless "drops" riding off road. Most notable included "frozen Jeep ruts", "Cement block in the weeds", "large rock in the weeds" (sequal), "Hung Throttle" (a masterpiece), and "Missed shift hillclimb". I thought "half levers" and bent bars were the normal condition. First pavement drop was part of a masterfull showoff for my girlfriend where I did a u-turn going downhill (to come back & park uphill). The u-ey was planned to include some impressive wheelspin, instead hooked up and wheelied over kind of sideways with me on my azz....:whistle: Got some anyway :laugh:
Was slowing down to turn into my parents driveway on a gsxr 600 in aug of 03,lady driving drunk hit me from behind running better than 60 according to the guy behind her.I flew about 30 feet hit the pavement and rolled in the ditch.Broke my back,road rash here and there.The bike was about 100 yards down the road.Dont remember alot of it .Prolly lucky im still here and able to walk.Had to wear a brace and was off work for about 3 months.was back riding as soon as I was able.

Do you have any issues with your back after the crash?
I raced Huskys off road from 1978 to 1994. My first real
crash ( not the little ones) was at a 3 hour Hare Scramble.
I needed a new front brake cable so we rigged one up and it happened to be longer ( too long). So after about an hour
I was doing about 35 and on the course there was a 4 foot
drop off type of jump. I went over the jump and my brake cable grabbed my gas cap and when my forks popped
back to full travel it put the brake on. I didn't get hurt but I remember rolling on the ground thinking "geez when am I gong to stop rolling."
was slowing down to turn into my parents driveway on a gsxr 600 in aug of 03,lady driving drunk hit me from behind running better than 60 according to the guy behind her.i flew about 30 feet hit the pavement and rolled in the ditch.broke my back,road rash here and there.the bike was about 100 yards down the road.dont remember alot of it .prolly lucky im still here and able to walk.had to wear a brace and was off work for about 3 months.was back riding as soon as i was able.

you win:bowdown:
wow, lots of bad ones in here (and a few funny ones too)! I've had my fair share as well, along with plenty of broken bones, torn muscle/ligaments, road rash, emergency room visits, etc...

First was a commute to work on my 600 Katana back in 1993. On the freeway a driver made a 3-lane dash into my position and forced me onto an offramp I didnt want. Not very adept at defensive riding technique at the time, I rode into the shoulder (where there was plenty of gravel and other assorted debris) and proceeded to lowside into the concrete barrier at 40 MPH. Ended up sliding on my stomach another couple of yards before gaining enough sense to get up and out of traffic's way and just thankful to be alive.
Thank goodness for leather!
12/24/03. That's right a day before Christmas. I was on my way home from work and I was only one traffic light away. I had just made a right turn onto the main street. It was a three lane highway and I made the mistake of getting in the middle lane. It was a car about a car length in front of me on my left side. A car coming from the opposite direction on the other side was making a left turn and turn right into my line of direction. I didn't have time to react cause it happed to quick. I hit the right side front wheel well of her mustage. I don't remember the rest but when I came to rescue was cutting my close off . All I could feel was a deep pain in my left hip. They put me in the rescue bird and took me to the hospital. I had a dislocated and fractured left hip and left knee. I fractured my chest bone and tore three ligaments in my right knee. I spent a week in the hospital and two weeks in a rehab facility. Later I had to leave the Marine Corps after 14yrs on a Medical discharge. My hip and knee still bothers me and before I left the military they told me that I will later need a hip replacement and I'm only 36 yrs old. But I still ride!
Some more good ones... dang

Makes me glad i've been lucky to not have a run in with a real nasty drop...

I also had a friend who had a nast run in with a mustang...

Was driving down the road with his sister riding 2 up... Mustang pulled out in front of them from a semi-blind drive....

Motorcycle ended up knifing the car(remained standing because it was imbeded in the car)....

the front person chest mashed the tank and was able to stay in the saddle, sore, with minimal dmg...

his sister was thrown landed on the cars hood, rolled and ended up on the ground on the otherside of the car with a fractured leg....

the amazing part....

ZERO safety gear and wearing sandals... amazed to this day that they were as ok as they were...
I was 11 out flyin around roads in rural Nashville where I grew up.
Riding my XT125 about six lengths behing my buddy on his GN125, going about 50.
A large dog ran out after him and never saw me.
I hit him square in the ribs and being I was on a DP bike it climbed up and over him.
Then he went up into forks and bike locked up and threw my like a bull.
I did flying Superman over bars ripping skin off my kneecaps and landed face first on road where showers of sparks proceeded to come from the snaps on my full face OG Bell helmet...
Bike came to stop with dead dog wrapped up in it.
Before i could feel pain or think about bike a little girl came out and said 'you killed my doggie'.
I instantly felt sorrow and then her smartazz dad came out and repeated same.
Well all pain left and rage took over.
The evil long haired 11 yr old took over in me.
I hollared ever word in the book at them at which point they ran away.
I picked up my bike and made it able to ride..left dog on side of road...I was in tears after.
Then I got on bike and proceeded to cut about 50 donuts in the guys yard ALL OVER !
Rode home in pain but feeling I had avenged myself only to find Mickey Metro there with the guy, his daughter, their dead dog wrapped in blanket and MY DAD.....ooooof !
Turns out guy worked in same intl bank as my dad and my dad like me had pics of his son on his motorcycle in his office.......:rofl:
Friggin knew right where to come.....
If I had not blown up and done the donuts it would have been alright but since I did the bike got chained to the pole for 2 mos and I spent same putting new sod in the guys yard.....:laugh: