The great elaborator: Obama gives 17-minute answer to health-care query in N.C.

We'll beat that horse till its done effecting us in this country. So plan on more horse beating. :thumbsup:

My God Man...the Komrad Socialist we have in there now has done more
damage in 1 year than bush did in will take years to reverse the effects.:banghead:
if ever! aint even seen horse beatings yet :laugh:

The Iraq conflict is but one aspect of a really REALLY BIG PICTURE.

Tearing the constitution to shreads and turning us into the U.S.S.A will bear
with us for generations upon generations...If you don't think that's this
President's agenda or that he is a full blown (rhetorical)
haven't been paying attention...

not to mention...a year and a half into O'bamadome...and we're still there ???