The most important thread

nothing beats a ice  cold Hornsby's Draft Cider  
Draft Cider you say...I will give that a shot.

I used to find with cider that you could only drink one or 2 in an' evening. I used to enjoy an icy cider in the heat of the summer.

good idea,thanks.
I'm interested in the 1664 and the Coopers.

Tried the Kilkenny...ain't all that bad. In terms of asian beer, I've only gotten my hands on Asahi and Asahi Extra Dry. Not too bad...enjoyed the Extra Dry more, though.

Also gotten my hands on Tetley's. Very good...English brewed, I believe. And then there's that newer brew from Anheiser Busch (sp?)...Amberbock. Not too bad either.

In Reno, I got to try another type of beer. What was it...Mooseknuckle, I think. Or was it Moosehead? Dunno...tasted like crap. Had another home brew (the cafe in the hotel) with Pace-Master....that thing was yuck. Pace liked it, though. Too much bite for me. Pace...what was that beer again?

My choice list? Goes as follows:

1000) Mooseknuckle/Moosehead (whatever the name was) - yuck. ptooie. tasted like water run over a....never mind. Needless to say, I'm not a big fan.

999) Reno Cafe home brew - equally yucky, but more bearable. Big bite. Def. not a sippin-while-reading-by-the-fireplace brew. Props go to PaceMaster. He put that thing down like it was tea. Guess I'm still a novice.

998) World Select (Anheiser [sp?]) - Yuck. They tried too hard. Too many flavors unsuccessfully rolled into one.

997) Victoria Bitter - Taste is okay. Not a premium choice for me, though.

10) Asahi - Not too bad. The "Budweiser" of Japan. Crisp and clean enough, just not enough taste. Doable.

9) Asahi Extra Dry - Better. Lighter, crisper taste, a bit smoother.

4) Kilkenny - Tis' an alright brew. A bit "micro-brewish" on the taste...not as much bite or body as Guiness. Smooth...creamy. Love the color, just wish the taste was more sorted.

3) Amberbock - A delightfully suprising and delectable brew. Dark and crisp, but not as much bite. In fact, I'd venture to say that Tetley's has more of rounded body of taste. Good to chug and enjoy. Salted peanuts diminishes flavor.

2) Tetley's - Love it. Definitely. Smooth, not too much bite, well-rounded body. Very good.

1) GUINNESS - As a trusted beer connoisseur once told me: "It's like angels dancing on yer tongue." Need I say more?

There ya have it.
RSD if you can get to Wisconsin....which I hope you never have to go there....EVER

There is a beer there and only there called "Spotted Cow"...I think it has something to do with the women in Wisonsin

That stuff will suprise ya...A sixpack is all you need

Good stuff and here is a link for ya

click me ya drunks
I am a Michelob Golden man but, I drink Crown Royal and A&W most of the time. I like to try a new brew every now and then. It is kinda funny that some of the members here seem to konw as much about beer and the do busa's!
I lived in Heidelberg for about a year and a half. There's a bar there called Vetter's. They lay claim to the World's strongest beer. At the time it was 30 something proof. Most German beers are good. This one was not. One hell of a kick though.
feh. i like dortmunder.

i'm also partial to mackisons...
bass ale will do in a pinch, but none of
those light beers. they make me stink
in the morning.
I am just kidding around, Rub. You are dead right, Fosters is crap. No one will argue with you here. Never seen Bushman's beer but everyone seems to be chucking their hat in the ring nowadays. It's funny how things work out, I prefer a little Jim Beam over just about everything. It is good to see you back brother and going at it once again.
I mostly drink Bud but I do on occation drink some other beers,   St. Paulie Girl and
heineken  are decent if I just want a change of taste.

For Microbrews , Alaskan Amber is a really solid beer, very tasty and satisfying.

Pike Street Brewery in Seattle makes "Pikes Kilt Lifer" this is good stuff,
strong and tasty.

I tried  a bottle of this stuff a few weeks ago and its some pretty tasty stuff.
A single 22oz will get me buzzed pretty good too.

read the back
Greene King Abbot Ale
Fuller's ESB (nectar of the Gods!)
Newcastle Brown Ale
Wadworth 6X
Wadworth Bishop's Tipple
Tennants Super strength Lager (if you have nothing else to do today or most of tomorrow)

Note: These are all "real" ales from the UK, so are much stronger than American beers for example.
My contribution to the beer thread...

Hubby's beer collection...don't mind the dust or dust bunnies! Ignore the helmet off to the side...

beer has a shelf life....

Box it up please,send it over....

Then tell him you had a burglary....
Some of that beer's been there a LONG time don't want it!

He's always tried to buy two, drink one, save one...he can tell you the ones that were pretty nasty and what was decent...most were picked up on his travels to Japan, England and Hong Kong...