The nearest that I have ever had in 35 yrs.................Still shaking!

glad it turned out ok for you, i know those heart stopping moments , you been out on the bike since ?, if not dont leave it too long
Well done Bubba you didn't do what most would do and grab a hand full of brakes. Your quick thinking sure saved your butt and I also think the POWER of the Busa helped you also:thumbsup: ... Now put the Scotch bottle away and take a comforting ride on your savior:laugh:
Sometimes it just Him giving you the tools to postpone the meeting with Him.

Way to keep your cool, your eyes open and avoid a potential catastrophe! :beerchug:
Way to keep your cool, Bubba. There are reasons you're still riding after all these years, some of them inside you and some from a little protection from above. :thumbsup:

I'll bet this incident took place in just a few seconds, but that you can recall all of it in great detail and in s-l-o-w m-o-t-i-o-n. It's funny how that works.
That is the thing about riding a bike. You have to be mentally prepared and physically ready for anything. The weather, the road, other cars, police... whatever. Evaluating a situation, and making split second decisions... I'm glad you made it. Some of it was luck and some of it was skill.
Good going Bubba, that would have shaken me up. Very very happy you are ok.
Bubba! What is going on w/ you lately!? Your luck meter seems to be testing you as of late.

You just recently used your one accident in 25yrs today was not to be for you. And we can thank God for that to my friend :please: Good job keeping your cool...looking at all the options in the milliseconds that you had. I'm very happy to hear this ended w/ a positive outcome.

Be careful out there y'all!
Amazing save, glad you are here to tell the tale. :thumbsup:

What became of the car and driver? Do you know what his situation was? Lose a wheel or something? Imagine what was going through his head as he was speeding out of control with the site of you in his windsheild.

Both of us are happy your OK though !

Def need to watch out and I try to stay off I95 as much as poss.
Would rather double my time than get on.
I live in the most deadly strip of I95 on it.
From Palm Beach County to the Dade county line is the deadliest part of it according to all sources.
I think Busa1166 could back me up on that.
You cant get on it without seeing a car flaming or something.
Bubba, very glad to hear you are ok brother... I know you probably already have but thank GOD above for taking care of you--- We all should make sure that we are saved and ready to meet him everyday-- You are right, we will go when it is our time-- I'm just glad it wasn't your time now....

On another note, my wife just told me this morning she heard on the news (and she didn't catch where it was) that 11 bikers were stopped at a red light and had a dump truck come up from behind and run over them all..... killed 3 and several more hurt so y'all remember them this morning also....We always have to be on the defensive...even sitting still...
Glad you're ok bro..:thumbsup:
OMG, WOW! Sounds like that was way too close for comfort, but huge relief that you're OK BUBBA!! :)
holy crap Bubba! Stop scarin us, you gotta stick around for another 100yrs or so, I should be able to make it back to Cali with a bike by then :laugh:

Seriously glad you made it without a scratch, seems your vast experience saved your bacon :thumbsup:

Two things, thank god for the busa's power :thumbsup: and I have a spare Gen 1 pilot seat dunno if it will work on a gen 2 but yours will certainly need recovering after you chewed that hole in it :laugh:
Glad you're OK, mang! And thanks for the reminder that we are not invincible out there (especially in the crazy Los Angeles area).