The new PS3

(VaBusa @ Nov. 17 2006,06:47) BRING BACK ATARI!!! Joust, Donkey Kong, Frogger...
yep. STILL great fun with out the bling bling graphics/

Here ya go. Eat all ya want:

MAME32 arcade game player

all the games
this thread just reminds me once again how lucky i am to even be involved with a group of people like all of you here...

while so many people are completely wrapped up in themselves and the give me, give me lifestyle, i see members here taking care of each other, lifting each other up when they are discouraged, sending parts free of charge to help a brother or sister get back on the road, or just giving each other a
or a

this is what we need more than anything else- a friend who really gives a hoot about you and not about what you can do for them or give them

sorry i jacked the thread like this but it hits me sometimes and i just wanted to say "thanks" guys and gals rock!
(semi @ Nov. 17 2006,11:37) this thread just reminds me once again how lucky i am to even be involved with a group of people like all of you here...

while so many people are completely wrapped up in themselves and the give me, give me lifestyle, i see members here taking care of each other, lifting each other up when they are discouraged, sending parts free of charge to help a brother or sister get back on the road, or just giving each other a  
or a  

this is what we need more than anything else- a friend who really gives a hoot about you and not about what you can do for them or give them

sorry i jacked the thread like this but it hits me sometimes and i just wanted to say "thanks" guys and gals rock!
(semi @ Nov. 17 2006,11:37) this thread just reminds me once again how lucky i am to even be involved with a group of people like all of you here...

while so many people are completely wrapped up in themselves and the give me, give me lifestyle, i see members here taking care of each other, lifting each other up when they are discouraged, sending parts free of charge to help a brother or sister get back on the road, or just giving each other a  
or a  

this is what we need more than anything else- a friend who really gives a hoot about you and not about what you can do for them or give them

sorry i jacked the thread like this but it hits me sometimes and i just wanted to say "thanks" guys and gals rock!
Jack my threads anytime!!!

I couldnt agree with you more!!!

for everyone!!

If it werent for people like you to call it out, we may take advantage of how great we really are!!!


There were reports of sporadic violence across the U.S. and Canada, where it also launched, as people waited in line to snap up one of the consoles. The most serious reported incident happened in Putnam, Connecticut, where a man was shot while waiting for the console to go on sale. The man apparently confronted two armed men who were trying to rob those in line, according to news reports.

Dozens of police were called to Boston's Copley Place Mall after security guards lost control of a crowd of about 400 people today, The Boston Globe reported in its online edition, and a 19-year-old man was injured after running into a pole while racing others to get a place in a queue outside a Wal-Mart store in Wisconsin, said the Associated Press. In Ottawa, Canada, one man was arrested for being intoxicated after a fight broke out at 2 a.m. this morning among people waiting for a game store to open, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
Ya down in town criminals have robbed and shot a few folks while stealing ps3 and while they were at it swiped some xboxs to....

When pong came out in the 70's everyone behaved
From the CNN site (AP):
The shopper told police five men surrounded and beat him as he left the Shoppes at Buckland Hills with the new PlayStation.

Police Sgt. Chris Davis said the attackers pushed one of their cohorts out of the car as they drove away. That man, a 17-year-old from Windsor, was charged with robbery, larceny, assault and breach of peace.

Thief 1: Duuuuuuude we jacked a PS3.
Thief 2: Yeah mang, we're hardcore awesome.
Thief 3: Uh oh, it only supports four players, what are we going to do?
Thief 4: *opens door*
Thief 5: *gulp*

I don't remember anyone doing this when Nintendo came out. What the hell are people on?
(frisbee @ Nov. 17 2006,18:41) What are you talking about I was there opening day for the atari.
But did anyone shoot at you or in any way threaten your life over the possession of said little black box?
I think the first time I heard of people acting stupid like this was over Cabbage Patch dolls.
(frisbee @ Nov. 17 2006,15:58) Good old pong
ok small paddles or big ones? damn that was a long time ago its hard to beleive how far its all came since then....
Do you think people wait in line for days to attend parent conferences at their children's schools? A lot of them do not bother even showing up. It is no wonder that we have children in seventh and eighth grade who are reading at the second-grade level. Their parents' priority is to make them into couch potatoes who cannot read or function in a job. Our country is in trouble. People are totally out of touch with reality.