Whoa Kong! Spanking in the Flesh!? Not realy Hapo's thing! You sounding a bit Brit there, Buko! To others whom it may concern, Hapo is not realy a schitz because he is aware of the splintering of his physicy into several dissassociative personalities...in most this would constitute a sever phycosis, but as I am well aware of my condition and posses(at times) an IQ that mesasures off the scale, I have more or less managed to integrate the whole mess into a "personality dissoreder"! I am ammused at those who veiw the degradation of my English as "baby talk" and can't recognize the implications of some one lapsing into the third person on such a regular basis...kudos to DP for spotting a wolf in sheep's clothing, and fuk you 'Pete for pointing this out to all the other members...in the mean time , I WILL continue to spank the heck outa all who challange me on the street, and reamain utterly amused at the expenditure of bucks and time some fools, like KawAbuser, who spend big bucks in a vain attempt to achieve parity with some one who actuly can push this bike...go ahead and make it faster...if you live in Nevada! Otherwise you all would be better off spending your money on a good school and lots of tires and gas and beer! Hapo no need to because Sensei take the classes and then trains me as his "takeling dummy". 'Pete may cut a faster lap at Mosport, but I genneraly get up to speed in any envionment , so far...I am getting old, and Know this can't last much longer...but in the mean time, keep blowing all your cash on gadgits while I just learn to ride this thing...and as I've said before, if 'Pete (or even Kong) proves to be faster than Hapo, well cool, I won't try to eat your liver or nuthen(usualy), I would be glad to find someone besides Sensei to learn somthing from..THE END!
PS, 'Knight, I have decided that hence forth you just arn't worth responding to...sorry...
PSS, Kong, this is my 11th month as a computer geek in training...I can't even cut and paste! I believe I may know more or the"real world" than you all suspect...but this is cool...in a former life I made a living off of people underestimating my abilities...Way Cool! (Rite FC!? I'll bet he knows whay I'm talken about! I suspect he has been pullin files on me! Don't forget the BATF...some good reading there!)
[This message has been edited by Hapo (edited 20 November 1999).]
[This message has been edited by Hapo (edited 20 November 1999).]