See.. no one gets the "BIG PICTURE" when it comes to the whole oil thing.
Someone a long time ago looked at the big picture and figured it out.
Let me share it with you.
The United States is sitting on way more oil than anyone could ever imagine...
Why utilize and deplete our resources when we can utilize and help deplete everyone else's?
If we go to war, we don’t want to be dependant on anyone else's oil.
What would happen if the entire Arab world decided to go to war with the U.S. and they put some kind of sanctions on us stating that no oil is allowed to be sold to the United States, any nation selling oil to the United States would not be allowed to buy oil from any Arab state.
In a scenario like that, we need to have our own LARGE supply of oil for fuel or we would not have the awesome war machine we have that is so dependant on oil.
So like I said, why deplete your own food in your own house when it wont spoil and you can go to your neighbor and deplete their food first.
Bottom line, if we ARE using more oil than the planet is producing, some day, eventually the people who are currently producing all the oil will run out. Then the United States will have their balls in our hands.
And trust me, we will squeeze.
And with our military forces as strong as they are, if we add to that the fact we are the only country that still has an abundant amount of fuel, you all tell me who will be holding all the eggs in a very cushioned and protected basket.
Food for thought anyone?