The Quiz

(WWJD @ Sep. 07 2007,16:26) First you deem that your current staff is too overburdened to take on new work, known because  of their constant whining about over working, and the extra hours clocked everyweek, so you get some quotes from 3 different specialists to bid the project, then bring in the one with the seemingly best experience and lowest rates, making previously mentioned employees feel less adequate and bitter about their potentially being replaced with outsourced shortimers, that make four times the income for working half as much on a single focused task instead of wearing 17 different tasks all due yesterday.  The consultants come in and setup a project manager to follow the work flow and make sure estimates are accurate and direction is clearly defined.  They meet with management and determine the task of fitting an Giraffe into a fridge, needs to be more clearly defined and perhaps a specialist should be flown in from Minn.  The Gannt chart is completed and the consultants have created 3 specs, low medium and high priced, and already have charged half a year salary for pointing out the obvious and putting it down in a colorful chart.  Something employee Charlie could have easily done for free but he is too busy attempting to explain the consultants billing practices to accounting.  Accounting hires an auditor to come in and find out why that departments cash flow has suddenly quadrupled and now the department is squabbling over the price with the consultants for coming up with such silly recommendations - the same ones charley mentioned off the cuff in the last meeting - and teh consultant company is sueing for breech of contractual obligations.  Now the cost of determining a course of action has expanded to someones full salary now and upper management wants to chop heads to recoup costs and the best place is the longer term employees that make too much money now.  The one with 10 dedicated years, and thus a high paycheck is cut:  Charlie.  Now the company has to hire someone else to pick up Charlie's old work, because, apparently he DID do quite a lot of it.  The Giraffe/Fridge project is shelved until they can get out of the mess Charlie left behind and the consulants are paid and the company moves on.

You work in my company?