I saw that Gunny...I see all...be afraid, be very afraid...So the site continues to run dispite VBee
Tattoo it on that one guy who has the ad on Ebay!How about a commericial slot for the super bowl? Going public on the stock exchange? selling H.org stock, sponsoring some racing, selling Busa parts as a company, opening a Busa Bar and Grill, Busa Beer Mugs, Busa Beer, Busa clothing line, did I already mention Busa Beer?
YA SEE NOW!!!! THESE TWO LAD,S.. KNOW WOT HERE TALK,N ABOUT.........Thats it right there. How do you say how great a site is with out sounding like your kissing azz? I have made many new friends here and have also meet some of the strangest peopleno...its just a very cool place.Unreal. It's become a little virtual universe. :wizard:
Good people. Awesome help and advice. You name it.but we are welcome to share our info and ideas and the best part about that is that we all have different ones and we are free to express them with out fear of flaming or bashing. Man now that I think about it this place is just one of those hippie pink-o commie places that's all about bra burning and free love!! Man Im out of here!!!
Definitely a +1thanks for all the hard work Captain
BUMP!Can someone post a link to the first threads? That would be an interesting read.
Ditto!!!Great news Captain. I'm glad I found this site and because if it I have also made some great friends. Thanks Capt.