The stock 200 mph limit, has the Busa made it or fallen short?


I have heard a number of reports from magazines saying that the BUSA's official ocean level, moderate temp speed falls short of the 200mph mark, but one Euro mag mentioned that it cracked the 200mph barrier I believe. What is the correct story? Has the Busa made it to the stock out of the box 200mph limit first or is there room for a contender to get there ahead of it? The stock 200mph limit is truly a milestone. Has it been broken? I am not interested in speedo readings but true official qualified radar trap runs on flat tracks with no wind, ie run one way, turn around run back take the average, just like Bonaville (? Boneville?).
Keep reading those Euromags Dale. Why do you care if it hits 200mph? You really think your wife will let you do that? Do you think that the average busa is the same as the ones magazines get to test? I wonder if the factories give the mags special bikes to test? Duh?? You must read the Euromags with swiss miss he thinks the busa evades all radar [except from the back of course as swiss miss pointed out]. Maybe I will start ridign Harleys.
The *Stock* top speed with out a tail wind, on level ground i believe is 193-194mph, as tested on the Cycle News radar gun. (IMHO)
The English 200mph was with a 10mph+ tail wind.
Los Angeles
It will probably all end if the RUMORED blackbird actually happens and the numbers hold true.
The first 8-second street bike that easily destroys 200mph.
Headwind,sidewind,tailwinds will no longer matter! :)
Please god...sometime this century! :)
This would be my second for sure!
ZX-12 - If anyone needs to contact the writers of the magazines and attempt to gather some evidence of claims it would be YOU. You come to the Hayabusa site - make a claim (after trash posting) and then you want ME to expend my time and energy in an attempt to back up what YOU posted??!!! ! That's what I would call BASSACKWARDS!!!
YOU go and gather your own info to BACK UP your own claims then come back with proof. I have posted what info I have been able to obtain from the magazines (they printed it) and the Board owners who dynoed their bikes. You'll have to go dig up your own evidence to support your own unsubstantiated claims.
I do NOT work for free for the uneducated. Are you sure you don't know KEVIN?!! (zx-9 greenie)
Dual directions is the only way to truly certify the speed of a vehicle. It has nothing to do with imagination, it is all to do with simple physics. I am sorry if I tried to get some serious information from this site. I am only interested in the actual non-fictional top speed. If you are going to start saying speed doesn't matter in a bike, then you should be riding something comfortable like a GoldWing. Why subject yourself to stiff necks, leg cramps (GSXR1100), if you don't care about speed.

If someone on this site is more interested in exchanging information instead of adolescent flaming then please reply. Anything else is a waste of time and HardDrive space on the server.

So far Duck Man is the only one who has put any real top speed information forward, is there any more information out there? I am not asking for 1/4 mile times, only top speed ratings.
Sounds more like you are waiting for someone to post an answer you agree with rather than actually be informed of the facts gathered by all the tests performed that we know of. I guess this is where you will threaten to leave our humble site yet never do but instead remain to hurl parting insults?!
I am assuming that you agree that the top speed of the Busa is 194 officially. With all the junk replies I missed your earlier post mentioning this.
I don't care either way if the speed is above or below 200mph, I just wanted to find out what the average official agreed upon number was. I will assume 194 unless you have yet another objection Todd.

However this does mean the infamous 200mph barrier has not been broken yet (without a tailwind). The ZX-12 may yet steal the day if it manages to break that barrier reliably.
See my website for a 200 mph movie of a stock Busa which ran over the 200 in Bruntinthorpe in England.

I shouldn't worry about Space Man ZX12 who lives in some wiered alternate reality where ZX12's exist and are faster than the Busa heh heh heh.

The official speed for The Bus is 200.2 mph here in England.


I am so sorry to have wasted your valuable time Todd with my perfunctionaries. We are all spewing crap at least I'll admit it. Anyone who disagrees on any point against you nit-whits and it is all over. You all act like you need a special decoder ring to buy a busa. Newsflash they are selling like hotcakes and at 10,500 anyone with slightly higher than a minimum wage job can buy one. From what I can see you are all losers who need to belong to a club to define yourselves and now you own a busa so you are the official god of motorcycling.

Good for you Dale!
The agreed upon top speed for a U.S. tested Busa appears to be 194. However the 200mph video of the stock Busa in the UK can not just be dismissed. Once again - there is no evidence to support the claim that the 200mph UK run on the stock Busa was done with a tailwind. All evidence I have seen (information posted on consisting of information taken from the published article that covered the event indicates that there was NO tailwind. IF there is reliable information indicating otherwise then perhaps someone could be good enough to post it? I'm willing to go with the 194. European owners(and others) haven't always been so willing to forget about the 200mph UK test. I don't know if that is a very clear answer (as far as agreed upon top speed) but that seems to be the way things are for now - at least until someone heads to Bonneville.
ZX-12 - go do your bike magazine homework, sober up and come back. Leave the B.S. at your local biker hangout and we'll discuss.
If I remember correctly, the Busa did 200.2 mph that day. However, the ZX11 and the Blackbird both did well over 180 that same day. Of course there was tailwind involved, but it affected all the bikes. The Busa did 13-14 mph over and above them, showing that it's in a different class alltogether. I am NOT a Suzuki fan, but at these speeds, I have to admire a stock bike beating the ZX11 by so much.
The joke was the 'Super' blackbird, barely beating the Kaw.
IMO, the ZX11 has really eaten poop now. About time, too.
The interesting thing about the huge stock top speeds is the Bonneville 200mph club. What will happen to the prestgious 200mph club that people fought long and hard with mod's and money to get into? Soon if not already, a chump school kid (maybe even "ZX-12 or FC") can buy a bike and qualify. Changing the club to the 220mph club just doesn't have the same ring to it. It is almost to bad that this has happened. It doesn't give people the challenge to shoot for anymore. Maybe when the U.S. finally catches up to the rest of the world and goes metric we will be able to start the 400kph club and have something to shoot for again. But until that happens we are on the verge of walking over a patch of history that many people have spent many years trying to get into.
Sad on one hand, but it kicks butt if you are new to the high speed game.
It's late here and I've got to get some sleep but here is some info provided by Earl (thanks Earl) back in Aug about the 200mph stock Busa run [this is the same run as seen by nearly all of us on the video]: Discuss among yourselves.

[Begin quote from Earl]

Quotes out of "BIKE"----"With any kind of crosswind at Bruntingthorp, the trick is to stay out of the middle of the runway until about a quarter of a mile from the lights, then let the crosswind blow you across toward the edge where the lights are so you going with it insted of fighting it." "The zz-r at 186.1 was almost unmanageable in the crosswind and needed a serious amount of countersteering to keep it straight without obliterating the timing lights. The Suzuki was more stable at 200mph than the zz-r was at 150." The only bike they mentioned "banging of the rev-limiter" was the R1 at 178mph "A stock production bike that costs L8000 has done 200mph. No raised gearing, no folded mirrors, no special fuel and no special equiptment. Amazing". As I said, this is reading from the artical.

[End Earl's Aug post]
Kevin - I'm not making a "parallel" between you and ZX-12. What I'm insinuating is that you and ZX-12 are the SAME person. I stand by my statement that the magazines have not received Busas that were SPECIALLY PREPARED and unlike those that have been received by the average joe customer - thus worthy of comparision to what could be expected from Busas off the showroom floor. I have posted dyno numbers from both groups of bikes indicating similiar numbers. In fact some owners purchased Busas that dyno with MORE HP than some of the magazines list. We've been around this tree already Kevin and once again neither you or ZX-12 or whatever name you are posting under today have been able to produce ANY evidence proving otherwise. Just more words and B.S. not backed up by anything tangable.(AS USUAL) More of the same Busa bashing BS and more of the same ZX-12 phantom bullshit. No evidence, no proof, no reality. The rut around the tree grows deeper and we grow more weary of the same old nonsense. We will sure be glad when you Greenies can find a web site of your own to play fantasy Greenie games on.
BINGO Todd...ZX12 and fastx9 have exactly the same writing style and it seems that the only Member that ZX12 is deferential to is fastx9.

The web sure lets the cellar hackers, dweebs and perverts play a lot of mind games.

Crap...think of all the energy these little cocksuckers get us to waste when we could be glorying in our bikes and figuring out how to make them go even faster.
Well I have no solid proof but Chase could sure check the ip address and verify if he felt like getting involved in this mess.(let's NOT drag him into this) Just seems like I'm having the same conversion with the same person whether they are calling themselves fastzx9 or ZX-12. BS posting with no evidence and then when challenged they suggest that I should produce the evidence to support their baseless claims myself. Also the subject matter and factless arguments have been IDENTICAL. Furthermore "ZX-12" claims he doesn't know "Kevin" at one point - then a few posts later they sound like good buddies hamming it up. SOMETHING doesn't smell right.
Guys zx 9 is not zx12 9 and i have had words before and have since squared it away. If 9 has something to say i dont think he would change is moniker. zx12 came here to start poop, caught me at a bad time and I let him have it..........I will not reply to zx12's post anymore unless they are of a positve nature.