Hey Doyle I personally love getting snarky posts, that means I drove them so wild with envy they couldn't help making a fool of themselves! It's sort of a form of flattery, LOL! Bike looks awesome! However your detractor do raise a good point: A bike this special deserves a pro photo shoot, even a mag article.
You're right Willie, I'm going to ck that out soon (mag article, etc.). Hey, are you still looking at touring bikes? I don't know if you read any of my other posts but I bought an Adventure Touring bike (KTM 1290) and am SO GLAD! It's not only really comfortable but when the tarmac ends I can still keep exploring, I'm planning an Arctic Circle trip (can't believe I'm saying that!) for a "retirement adventure" next year. Don't get me wrong, the K1600 BMW is beautiful but the KTM just does more stuff! Doyle