Well, since it hasn't been formally announced, I was awarded the smacktalkapalooa banner from our Barber weekend. They told us at the riders meeting that the trophy at the end of the track day is a shiny bike to take home. Using that as a benchmark, it is safe to say that you win some, you lose some. :)

I won on Sat, no trophy for me on Sunday. I will post pics when I get home, but for now, I am fine, the bike runs and I had an absolute blast!

More to follow from me! :)
Back home safe and sound. Had a fantastic weekend with good friends and motorcycles. I call that a win win. Sorry about the get off Shawn. You set a new bench mark for Go Big or Go home...:) Team Gixxer grew quite a bit this weekend and welcomes any and all next year. Thanks for the good times!
Shawn, you deserve the Banner - your generosity last month was over the top. I sure am sorry about your incident and hope you figure out the cause. Hope the banner graces your garage wall - There is ONLY one!

So, yesterday I posted my laptimer of a 1:41:17. Have no idea how I pulled that off, but I had a lot of fun teasing Jay about it. Like I said, enjoy it while it lasts, cause in less than 24 hours, it's beat (at least it lasted longer than the 20 minutes I had it the LAST time).... Jay and I played around all day today (Sunday), but in the next to last session, he goes out and tears off AN IMPRESSIVE NEW TEAM GIXXER RECORD of 1:40:8 while I'm setting my wife up for a 2-up ride. Am surprised he hasn't already posted a pic of it. I knew he had it in him all day, and was just waiting til he thought it was too late in the day for me to respond.

Not willing to let that stand, I go out in the last session and GIVE IT ALL I HAVE...Result is below.

Jay's laptimer doesn't do but Hundreths of seconds, and mine does there is a 30% chance he was faster, and a 70% chance I was faster, so now we have ALL WINTER LONG to talk SERIOUS SMACK about who REALLY has the best time of the year - So the BEST PART IS, we get to call it a DRAW :thumbsup:

Can't end the season much better than that!

Congratulations on trimming 2 seconds off your lap time Divrman. I'm impressed. :cheerleader:

And, a big "Congrats" to Jay as well! Good job young man! :beerchug:

Jays lap timer records "Tenths" (Single digits) of seconds.

Your lap timer records "Hundredths" (Double digits) of seconds.
Like a normal person, I needed to SLEEP once I got home... No telling what I could of done with a post if in the condition I was in when I got home :laugh:

It was an awesome weekend!!!! We could not have ordered any better weather nor better friends. I think everyone had a good time. Shawn, I hate you went down but have no doubt you will only come back stronger and fix that bike to better than before.

Keith, you can think about that 30% 70 % crap all winter long but when it comes down to it, the time difference it may be would not be seeable to the naked eye. So I will also post my lap timer pic. The funny part was that both of us did this time when we were not out riding with each other.

I declare me and Keith CO lap record holders :laugh:

Like a normal person, I needed to SLEEP once I got home... No telling what I could of done with a post if in the condition I was in when I got home :laugh:

It was an awesome weekend!!!! We could not have ordered any better weather nor better friends. I think everyone had a good time. Shawn, I hate you went down but have no doubt you will only come back stronger and fix that bike to better than before.

Keith, you can think about that 30% 70 % crap all winter long but when it comes down to it, the time difference it may be would not be seeable to the naked eye. So I will also post my lap timer pic. The funny part was that both of us did this time when we were not out riding with each other.

I declare me and Keith CO lap record holders :laugh:

Jay, you may have made a mistake in conceding so quickly- or it was absolutely brilliant! :)

Watching everyone out there is such an amazing and humbling experience, when you realize what these machines are really capable of.

I can't help but agree about the weekend- it was fantastic! Great weather, great track and most of all, absolutely fantastic people. I can't wait to do it again!

The only thing that I disliked about this weekend was leaving :(. I hate that I impacted everyone else, but I was mobile and functional and am as big a fan of gear now as I have ever been. Dawn made an observation yesterday, that she has gotten frustrated with me about making her gear up when we go riding, or when she is out putting around locally on the Ninjette. After seeing what happened to Brandy-Lynn, as opposed to my couple of bruises, she told me that she finally truly understands.

I miss you guys already, I hate that it is so long in between seeing you all; you have a wonderful family- I was a huge fan of Charlie's before- and now even more so. You dad was awesome; so was everyone else down the line!
When we show up in your driveway one afternoon....remember this post :laugh:

Jay, you may have made a mistake in conceding so quickly- or it was absolutely brilliant! :)

Watching everyone out there is such an amazing and humbling experience, when you realize what these machines are really capable of.

I can't help but agree about the weekend- it was fantastic! Great weather, great track and most of all, absolutely fantastic people. I can't wait to do it again!

The only thing that I disliked about this weekend was leaving :(. I hate that I impacted everyone else, but I was mobile and functional and am as big a fan of gear now as I have ever been. Dawn made an observation yesterday, that she has gotten frustrated with me about making her gear up when we go riding, or when she is out putting around locally on the Ninjette. After seeing what happened to Brandy-Lynn, as opposed to my couple of bruises, she told me that she finally truly understands.

I miss you guys already, I hate that it is so long in between seeing you all; you have a wonderful family- I was a huge fan of Charlie's before- and now even more so. You dad was awesome; so was everyone else down the line!
When we show up in your driveway one afternoon....remember this post :laugh:

Charlie, no kidding while I am sure it was frustrating for you to pull me around- it was the most enjoyable time I had out there. When you guys show up, Dawn and I would love nothing more than to host all of you!!!
Concede hell; Jay is just facing up to the inevitable :moon::laugh:

Team Gixxer has had a BLAST this season. Here's to next year!!! :beerchug:
Like a normal person, I needed to SLEEP once I got home... No telling what I could of done with a post if in the condition I was in when I got home :laugh:

It was an awesome weekend!!!! We could not have ordered any better weather nor better friends. I think everyone had a good time. Shawn, I hate you went down but have no doubt you will only come back stronger and fix that bike to better than before.

Keith, you can think about that 30% 70 % crap all winter long but when it comes down to it, the time difference it may be would not be seeable to the naked eye. So I will also post my lap timer pic. The funny part was that both of us did this time when we were not out riding with each other.

I declare me and Keith CO lap record holders :laugh:


That would have been a heck of a photo-finish :thumbsup:
Concede hell; Jay is just facing up to the inevitable :moon::laugh:

Team Gixxer has had a BLAST this season. Here's to next year!!! :beerchug:

Just wait until next season pal... My wife is the one who said on the way home "Ok, we have to get you some tire warmers and GPA's" :laugh:
SOOOO...Now DIANA's in on it too, huh? From someone who said to me yesterday "I could care less"....:bs:

P.S. I really do feel the GPA's gave me an edge just to keep up w/you....I sure am sore today...
What a great weekend. You can't ask for a better group of people and supporters, and it is clear when Charlie is introduced during the riders briefing, the camaraderie. And when the Harley rider tried to bow up on somebody, he quickly backed down :laugh:... I think my wife is having as much fun as me (in her own way) adding friends to her facebook.

Shawn is the man, taking a hit like he did and you would never have know when he was walking around like nothing happened. Good meeting a bunch of family members and supporters. Like Tim said "we have our own pit crew". We will be changing tires out in 45 seconds flat next year.

Keith and Jay are truly kicking some a$$ out there, but I believe if Charlie wasn't so focused on teaching us newbs, he would get back on top of the leader board.

OK, I do not have the editing skills of Keith, but here is the first vid, and so you don't have to watch the entire thing (although I think it is a true masterpiece), below are a few timing notes:
:10 - BMW S1000RR (passed all day)
:flamethrowing: - Tha One 2008 Hayabusa
8:15 - Rider off the track, nothing major
9:40 - Charlie & Shawn in turn #1
13:12 - Wild dude on an SV passing me on the rumble strip
13:40 - My new close friend on the SV getting passed
14:04 - SV pushing it to the limit
14:18 - SV going into the grass :banghead:
14:45 - Tha one way off in the distance
15:50 - 08 & 11 Busa taking turn #2 & 3
16:27 - 08 & 11 hitting the back straight

October 21, 2012 - YouTube[/url]
I had a great weekend. :) THANKS to all that was there and for all of the help and advice that was given to me. I learned A LOT! I feel that I am a better rider than I was before this weekend, but still have much to learn. :)
What a great weekend. You can't ask for a better group of people and supporters, and it is clear when Charlie is introduced during the riders briefing, the camaraderie. And when the Harley rider tried to bow up on somebody, he quickly backed down :laugh:... I think my wife is having as much fun as me (in her own way) adding friends to her facebook.

Shawn is the man, taking a hit like he did and you would never have know when he was walking around like nothing happened. Good meeting a bunch of family members and supporters. Like Tim said "we have our own pit crew". We will be changing tires out in 45 seconds flat next year.

Keith and Jay are truly kicking some a$$ out there, but I believe if Charlie wasn't so focused on teaching us newbs, he would get back on top of the leader board.

OK, I do not have the editing skills of Keith, but here is the first vid, and so you don't have to watch the entire thing (although I think it is a true masterpiece), below are a few timing notes:
:10 - BMW S1000RR (passed all day)
:flamethrowing: - Tha One 2008 Hayabusa
8:15 - Rider off the track, nothing major
9:40 - Charlie & Shawn in turn #1
13:12 - Wild dude on an SV passing me on the rumble strip
13:40 - My new close friend on the SV getting passed
14:04 - SV pushing it to the limit
14:18 - SV going into the grass :banghead:
14:45 - Tha one way off in the distance
15:50 - 08 & 11 Busa taking turn #2 & 3
16:27 - 08 & 11 hitting the back straight

October 21, 2012 - YouTube[/URL]

Well...I didn't see hardly anybody pass you :)

I'm surprised at how good your camera recorded out front like that. May have to try that out. That busa sure can power down the straights.

I notice that you are not getting over all the way to the edge on the inside of a lot of turns. In a bunch of them you want to be all the way over, as that translates into more room on the exits (i.e., you don't want to run out of track on the outside of those exits)...
What a great weekend. You can't ask for a better group of people and supporters, and it is clear when Charlie is introduced during the riders briefing, the camaraderie. And when the Harley rider tried to bow up on somebody, he quickly backed down :laugh:... I think my wife is having as much fun as me (in her own way) adding friends to her facebook.

Shawn is the man, taking a hit like he did and you would never have know when he was walking around like nothing happened. Good meeting a bunch of family members and supporters. Like Tim said "we have our own pit crew". We will be changing tires out in 45 seconds flat next year.

Keith and Jay are truly kicking some a$$ out there, but I believe if Charlie wasn't so focused on teaching us newbs, he would get back on top of the leader board.

OK, I do not have the editing skills of Keith, but here is the first vid, and so you don't have to watch the entire thing (although I think it is a true masterpiece), below are a few timing notes:
:10 - BMW S1000RR (passed all day)
:flamethrowing: - Tha One 2008 Hayabusa
8:15 - Rider off the track, nothing major
9:40 - Charlie & Shawn in turn #1
13:12 - Wild dude on an SV passing me on the rumble strip
13:40 - My new close friend on the SV getting passed
14:04 - SV pushing it to the limit
14:18 - SV going into the grass :banghead:
14:45 - Tha one way off in the distance
15:50 - 08 & 11 Busa taking turn #2 & 3
16:27 - 08 & 11 hitting the back straight

October 21, 2012 - YouTube[/URL]

That's some great video Trey.
Looks like you were having some fun out there!
To set the record STRAIGHT: I contacted XT Racing the maker of both our lap timers, and asked them how they calculate times on the mini timer and got the following response:

The Mini-Lap rounds the time to the nearest tenth. Thus 30.500 seconds to 30.549 seconds will be recorded as 30.5; 30.550 to 30.599 seconds will be recorded as 30.6.
So, in truth, Jay potentially had a 1:40:76 to a 1:40:84 would show 1:40:8...So now there is a 70% chance HE was fastest :moon::laugh:

Don't let your head swell too much whipper-snapper, I'm almost as old as your DADDY....
To set the record STRAIGHT: I contacted XT Racing the maker of both our lap timers, and asked them how they calculate times on the mini timer and got the following response:

So now there is a 70% chance HE was fastest :moon::laugh:

And you were surprised??? :laugh: Keith, you are stupid fast and the fastest person between us is whoever is out front to start to a session.