What a great weekend. You can't ask for a better group of people and supporters, and it is clear when Charlie is introduced during the riders briefing, the camaraderie. And when the Harley rider tried to bow up on somebody, he quickly backed down

... I think my wife is having as much fun as me (in her own way) adding friends to her facebook.
Shawn is the man, taking a hit like he did and you would never have know when he was walking around like nothing happened. Good meeting a bunch of family members and supporters. Like Tim said "we have our own pit crew". We will be changing tires out in 45 seconds flat next year.
Keith and Jay are truly kicking some a$$ out there, but I believe if Charlie wasn't so focused on teaching us newbs, he would get back on top of the leader board.
OK, I do not have the editing skills of Keith, but here is the first vid, and so you don't have to watch the entire thing (although I think it is a true masterpiece), below are a few timing notes:
:10 - BMW S1000RR (passed all day)

- Tha One 2008 Hayabusa
8:15 - Rider off the track, nothing major
9:40 - Charlie & Shawn in turn #1
13:12 - Wild dude on an SV passing me on the rumble strip
13:40 - My new close friend on the SV getting passed
14:04 - SV pushing it to the limit
14:18 - SV going into the grass

14:45 - Tha one way off in the distance
15:50 - 08 & 11 Busa taking turn #2 & 3
16:27 - 08 & 11 hitting the back straight
October 21, 2012 - YouTube[/URL]