The Traveling Toaster

I'm crazy enough to backpack it and ride up just to give it a bit more character. But some of the sigs on it seem pretty important and some thru handling seem to have already worn off a bit. It seems to me to be an object that needs a glass case :) I don't want to be the one responsible for anymore wear. Right now it's resting in a climate controlled safe :)
I thought the road trip would be cool, but I guess will be a lil hard to bring the whole climate controlled safe. :laugh:
The latest additions are complete. I feel honored to have received (thanks GixerHp) and hold an object that was once held by one who's departed and is still so revered amongst his friends. Kinda spiritual it is. I am going to ship it to Ms Reba and pass the torch in a couple of weeks.

I officially take claim of the mighty .org toaster, handed to me by Saiid at the Spring Bash. Thank you for the honor. At the Bash, in honor of all who have gone before, I have publicly stated that I'm gonna "Jump that Toaster" (you deviants get your mind out of the gutter :laugh:)

I am already talking to a parachute rigger about making me a custom harness for it. If it happens there will definitly be pics and video! It will be EPIC.

The toaster will be with TEAM GIXXER this weekend at Barber :thumbsup: may have to try and get a few laps in with it...
And, I give you, the TOASTER JUMP :thumbsup:

Make sure you watch on Vimeo and click the HD Icon.

Wow, great video. So hows come no one put the sticker on the side of the toaster? and where is it at now
I still have it, it will be at Barber with TEAM GIXXER in SEP and OCT. I can fix the .org sticker issue....

R u kidding me??

hasnt moved since 2012??

ok- when where how do i get this piece of historic toast making paraphernalia??

i got a pink toaster on my I.D. - that means i'm partly responsible for keeping it going... so lets get it to me...
AND THE DAGGON PICTURE CHALLENGE!! -it was fun... even if i never got to win one... ok, thats y i want it resurrected... u got me there...
Ok folks...after my sorry, ungrateful azz held onto this thing WAAAY TOO LONG, even though I did manage to throw it (and myself) out of a perfectly good airplane, I have finally decided to send it to a deserving member who spends a lot of time on the board (can I say "post ho"?), maintains a good attitude and even gets Vabs to like him (which is a huge feat!). Even got the TEAM GIXXER seal of approval....

GsxrBots, it's coming your way a better job with it than I did! Hopefully it can make it back to a Bash!

A few pics for the road!

GOPR0278 (Large).jpg


I've still got it.. Sorry guys. Crazy with a toddler running around how time flies. I'll figure out a plan and get it sent out to the next lucky recipient!