The Traveling Toaster

maybe toaster will meet up with FlatVABusa
Somebody needs to take the toaster to see "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" during it's travels. I hear that can make a grown toaster cry though.
I could take it up Pikes Peak. Maybe get the Highest Point award for the travelling toaster.

And +1 for the Travelling Toaster sticky.
ok racerv has it so i wonder where it will end up i hope it is not at my door step hahah cause i can find a few good pics hahah
if it turns up at mine, it will see all the sites of Liverpool Town of the Beatles and even take it on a ferry across the Mersey..

Great Idea
If it ends up in my hands, I can take it to the historical Ketchup bottle in Collinsville, Il or the ARCH in St. Louis, or maybe the Cahokia Mounds! That would be super fun!