The video bug


Your Disease.....
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I think I am going to buy a stock screen again or get a clear double bubble (since i got rid of my old stock screen to an org member) just so I can take some video... and I will need to buy a camera mount, too. I have been seeing a lot of vids on youtube and I want to make my own riding vids..... which will definitely make me want to speed even more!!! LOL! Ah... we all do it...

Anybody else here considering making some vids OR has anyone here posted some on youtube yet?

Oh... the reason I will need another screen is because I have a dark smoke Puig DB on my bike right now. That aint gonna cut it for video unless I want a dark look to it.... which I do not.
I bet your camera would auto compensate for a dark screen a little but the colors might be way off. I bought the sportbikecam thing and am pretty happy with it and a couple wide angle lenses. MAKE SURE YOUR CAMERA DOES NOT HAVE "OPTICAL STABILIZATION" As that will be horrid mounted on a bike. Digital Stabilization is the way to go

I haven't done youtube yet.... gotten good at filling up tapes, but havent edited any of them yet !
I think I am going to buy a stock screen again or get a clear double bubble (since i got rid of my old stock screen to an org member) just so I can take some video... and I will need to buy a camera mount, too. I have been seeing a lot of vids on youtube and I want to make my own riding vids..... which will definitely make me want to speed even more!!! LOL! Ah... we all do it...

Anybody else here considering making some vids OR has anyone here posted some on youtube yet?

Oh... the reason I will need another screen is because I have a dark smoke Puig DB on my bike right now. That aint gonna cut it for video unless I want a dark look to it.... which I do not.

I'm in the process of setting up video on my bike and here's what I came to.

I have a dark screen so I would need a clear one if I had a tank mounted cam. I figured on the low-end it would cost me $50 if I'm lucky for a clear screen... and I would have to swap it when I knew I would be using the cam, which isn't something I wanted to do. So I looked into bullet cams and decided that I'll get a tank mount for my camcorder and then grab a 480 res bullet cam kit for around $120. The bullet cam kit I'm looking at comes with 3 mounts, and I'll mount the cam under the nose and run the wires to the tank mounted camcorder to record the footage. The kit also comes with 2 lens, one of which is wide angle and a 12v hard wire so it will have constant power, and a mic.

The entire setup including the tank mount for my cam will cost around $150. More than I intended on spending BUT at least I won't have to add another screen to my already building collection of 3 screens!
I have a light-smoke Suzuki double bubble screen on my bike, and it actually HELPS a little, believe it or not. It does tweak the colors a little, but not much, and it really helps cut down the glare.

I am using a Sony HC96 MiniDV cam on an adjustable XtremeCameraMounts tank mount with awesome results. I would highly recommend both. As stated, make sure you do NOT use a DVD or Hard Drive camcorder, or one with optical image stabilization, as none of those cameras function very well on a motorcycle due to the vibes / gyro forces at work. Also, a wide angle lens is HIGHLY recommended, as it really opens up the field of view if the camera is mounted on the tank.

Here is a sample video I threw together recently. This is the Sony HC96 with a Sony HD wide angle lens, edited with Sony Vegas and Magic Bullet.

<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Hayabusa Compilation (Right Click, Save As)</span>

Let me know what you guys think!
Nice job, AntiTrust. Proof positive that videos don't have to be riddled with highspeeds on the highway or wheelies or just generally riding like a fool to be enjoyable! I personally liked the transitions to the camera looking up at you... that was a nice touch. Very picturesque area, too.
Nice job, AntiTrust. Proof positive that videos don't have to be riddled with highspeeds on the highway or wheelies or just generally riding like a fool to be enjoyable! I personally liked the transitions to the camera looking up at you... that was a nice touch. Very picturesque area, too.
Thanks!! I appreciate the feedback...
Thanks....I have a lot of fun playing with those videos, really makes the footage fun to watch when mixed with the right soundtrack, editing, etc.

I think it adds a whole new dimension to the sport, especially for those of us who are computer & music geeks already. Makes those canyon runs all the more fun when you know the tape is rolling and you're gonna get to watch it later.
Excellent video AntiTrust, sound track next and you have crack it
I have a light-smoke Suzuki double bubble screen on my bike, and it actually HELPS a little, believe it or not. It does tweak the colors a little, but not much, and it really helps cut down the glare.

I am using a Sony HC96 MiniDV cam on an adjustable XtremeCameraMounts tank mount with awesome results. I would highly recommend both. As stated, make sure you do NOT use a DVD or Hard Drive camcorder, or one with optical image stabilization, as none of those cameras function very well on a motorcycle due to the vibes / gyro forces at work. Also, a wide angle lens is HIGHLY recommended, as it really opens up the field of view if the camera is mounted on the tank.

Here is a sample video I threw together recently. This is the Sony HC96 with a Sony HD wide angle lens, edited with Sony Vegas and Magic Bullet.

<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Hayabusa Compilation (Right Click, Save As)</span>

Let me know what you guys think!
That was fantastic!!!! Really enjoyed watching that!
ImageShack Links Do Not Work

I'm using Sony's PC330E video-cam , here is an example in 16x9 wide format .

ImageShack Links Do Not Work ImageShack Links Do Not Work

ImageShack Links Do Not Work ImageShack Links Do Not Work

ImageShack Links Do Not Work ImageShack Links Do Not Work

* Link no longer works , click to download .
Nice vid, and great pics Guclu!! Those license plates are huge over there...eek.

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I have a light-smoke Suzuki double bubble screen on my bike, and it actually HELPS a little, believe it or not. It does tweak the colors a little, but not much, and it really helps cut down the glare.

I am using a Sony HC96 MiniDV cam on an adjustable XtremeCameraMounts tank mount with awesome results. I would highly recommend both. As stated, make sure you do NOT use a DVD or Hard Drive camcorder, or one with optical image stabilization, as none of those cameras function very well on a motorcycle due to the vibes / gyro forces at work. Also, a wide angle lens is HIGHLY recommended, as it really opens up the field of view if the camera is mounted on the tank.

Here is a sample video I threw together recently. This is the Sony HC96 with a Sony HD wide angle lens, edited with Sony Vegas and Magic Bullet.

<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Hayabusa Compilation (Right Click, Save As)</span>

Let me know what you guys think!
Dude! I've totally been on those roads in your video. You come through Utah ever? I can't remeber where I've seen that ugly indian carving ... But I've been there!
been thinkin about it myself, but my buddy who took these said the tank mount didn't really get in the way, but felt wierd.
was thinking a bullet cam in the nose, camcorder in the hump
the busa has lots of room to mount a camera
