Maybe you can help us understand the truth if what is in the video is not the standard of women's treatment.
I have to say that the imagery and actions on the video are terrible and inhuman. However, seeing as this is designed to strike a chord amongst viewers, I understand that it is a collection of the worst attrocities against women in the name of Islam. Many terrible things happen to women in the west as well for random reasons but rarely do they occur on the basis of religious or cultural teachings.
So, Teg help to dispell this with your point of view.
Thank you Projekt.
To give you a picture from the inside, unfortunately the image of Islam in the west is 180 degree the opposite of what it's like here! Sorry to say but I used to live in the west and I know how the picture is twisted in the media for some reasons! To tell you the truth Islam is innocent from most of these allegations. Before Islam women were devalued and a female infants were buried alive. Islam raised the value of women and prohibited female infanticide. Islam also put an end to the practice whereby inheritance went to only the oldest male inheritor. Instead, a woman can inherit from her father, her husband, and her childless brother. In Islam when a woman gets married she does not surrender her maiden name, but maintains her distinct identity. Some Muslim women have adopted the surnames of their husbands, but this is due to cultural influence, not Islam.
Islam condemns oppression to women and such violent acts shown in the video. The women in a truly Muslim society have rights like most of the women around the world even more. I tell you I live in Saudi Arabia and I don't need to explain what SA means to the Muslim world. The women here even have more rights than men lol. The following are some of the rights they have in Islam:
The right to have their own independent property.
The right to obtain education.
The right to work if they need money or want it.
The right to express their opinion and be heard.
The right to provisions from the husband for all her needs.
The right to negotiate marriage terms of her choice.
The right to obtain divorce from her husband, even if that she simply can't stand him. (pls note that God deeply frowns upon divorce as a solution unless there is hardly any other alternative but it does not mean that men have more right to divorce their wives than women do.)
The right to keep all her money (she is not responsible to maintain any relation).
The custody of their children after divorce.
The right to choose who to marry.
I can go on…
The problem today is when a small group of people, a tribe or whatever counted among muslims commit a wrongful act, the first thing to be blamed is ISLAM!