The Wave

Like others I'll give a wave unless my attention is on a curve,cage,etc.. Have noticed here on the "right coast" most Hardley riders just don't wannabe social. Maybe if they move a muscle too quick it will upset the perfect balance they have with the parts loosening and falling from machine?

They get a wave anyway. And usually the passenger on back of the hog will give a big smile and wave back prolly thinking...."man, wish I were the hump on the back of that Busa"

Yup, when I'm not at work straightening them out, I'm out lovin life and starting domestic fights!!
I'm another indiscriminate waver. Pretty much everybody gets a wave or a nod if my hands are busy.

I still remember the first time I got the wave when I was a wee fledgling biker. I was coming around a tight, blind uphill curve and got waved at by some Goldwing riders coming the other way. I'd never seen or heard about 'the wave' before and I almost lost the bike when I instinctually tried to wave back.
Yep, I do the wave thing also unless the situation dictates my attention be somewhere else. Don't see too many scooters, so I don't know if I would show them the sign or not. Am also courteous to LEOs, ambulances and fire engines.
If I see you, and your on 2 wheels, I'll do the 2 finger wave...unless I'm in the middle of turning or jammed up in some heavy moving traffic. But I don't wave at scooters...

A habit I got from GJoker is if the Harley guys don't wave back, my 2 finger wave quickly turns into the 1 finger salute. I usually nod at the cops, but will start waving to the EMS guys. Just to cover all my bases.

When we owned a Tacoma, and were involved in the Florida Tacoma club we waved at all Tacomas. I don't think half of them got it...???
Waver. I even give the peace sign to cagers who move over for me while I'm "lane sharring".

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just returned from a 2800 klm ride in the rockies , waved at them all ,and with the exception of 2 or 3 hardleys they all waved back. for those of you that have never rode in British Columbia.....ya gotta try it one day its just....... to cool...
I usually point at the other bikes and hold for a sec,all bikes and some scooters if they are the big Honda or suzuki types crap they're pretty fast (ie tire smokin burgmans) some harley guys don't wave so I give the "what's up shrug" palms to the sky thing and then mumble expletives under my breath( makes me feel better anyhow)