The year is 2050... Predictions...

" So the year is 2020 ,
let us share some predictions
so this thread can be brought back
up to the top by @Redbull later " . . .




#2020Corvette ~ #MidEngineCorvetteCrash ~ #NecroPosting ~ #THEoRg *

I will be 63, my parents will be well into their 80’ grandparents will have all passed and my Busa will be 44 years and qualify as a classic. The youth will be savvy and possess the knowledge that I once had yet managed to lose. The knowledge I will have will then be wise and rational.
Television’s will be practically replaced by VR, Movie’s will be interactive and immersive. Diesel engines will have been banned, and most gas combustion engines replaced by electric.
Cooking will be a thing of the past and home cooked meals will prepared themselves.
The music world will have been taken over by talentless people.
All home appliances will be automated.
The police force will be entirely manned by robots.
There will be several thousand more famous people indicted and charged on sex crimes and young girls will still be coming forward with allegations against R-Kelly.
Donald Trump will be cryogenically frozen
Every Disney animated movie will have been created in live action.
I’ll be 92...... have you seen Biff from back to the future when he’s an old fart? Yeah well look out!!!!
I’ll still have my Busa, all the Chinese fairings and various other bits and pieces have long since disintegrated, I’ll have a big bore Gen 2 motor installed but on the pension can not afford the tyres or fuel so will not be able to ride it.... given a electric scooter by the bike shop I now do security at the door for.
Well.... ok.
Maybe not so active as that, a lot of sitting around and sleeping maybe.... until I get the alert from the oRg.

And it will weigh 1500 pounds
and have a V-12 or worse ,
weigh 1500 pounds
and be electric .


#AmericanMade ~ #BusaWing ~ #c10Bryan ~ #GoldWing ~ #THEoRg *

Bold new graphics for the Busa.. You can now choose any color combination from the attached color swatch...


Does it come with
bicycle pedals . . . ?


#BicyclePedals ~ #MopedHumor ~ #New2020eBikes ~ #THEoRg *

i will be stock piling sticks

why remember Einstein he said this :-

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

in 2045 there was a terrible war USA V China WW111

Them sticks will come handy for the next one