Theft Prevention

Just wreck and leave the bike rashed. Works for me!
Theft Prevention:  Trade it in for a ZX-12R.   Solved.
Greg, you should do stand up...

Interesting points, ozo. I just got a the new issue of american motorcyclist. There is an article that discusses the issue of thieves and bikes with statistics. The August issue isn't up on line. When it is, I'll post the article. In short, though, the number of bikes reported stolen from 2002 to 2003 almost DOUBLED, and Gixxers, Hayabusa's and Harleys were among the top bikes reported stolen in nation wide statistics. Categorical stats indicated sport bikes were the top type of bike to be reported stolen. The number of stings and small collars leading to HUGE rings were killer, especially in Florida and New York (Queens, overall). The article also discusses technology making it possibly to essentially rub out and re-stamp vin numbers and so forth, so thieves can put together bogus paperwork that appears authentic.

You live in Florida, eh? Keep her locked down in the garage (or, preferably, your living room), get a gun, get a dog, and sleep in shifts...

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I'm set on the garage (installing an audio alarm), got the guns and a dog (dog is useless when it comes to thieves). Need to get disc locks, anchor a bolt into the concrete and lock her down w/ a kryptonite type chain.
2oz of Symtec and a hand full of BBs. Press the BBs into on side of the clay. Get an electric blasting cap, put it in the clay, and connect it to the output (trigger wire) out a motion sensor. Put the package into a think 21n diameter pipe, with one end capped shut. Aim it across any entry into your bike storage spot about waist high and viola! You'll cut any would be intruder in half when they try to come in!

Just don't forget to build-in a few failsafe measures so it doesn't cut you in half.

Extreme measures for an extreme bike!
2oz of Symtec and a hand full of BBs. Press the BBs into on side of the clay. Get an electric blasting cap, put it in the clay, and connect it to the output (trigger wire) out a motion sensor. Put the package into a think 21n diameter pipe, with one end capped shut. Aim it across any entry into your bike storage spot about waist high and viola! You'll cut any would be intruder in half when they try to come in!

Just don't forget to build-in a few failsafe measures so it doesn't cut you in half.

Extreme measures for an extreme bike!
I know a guy who has his house and property "protected" with green versions of what you described.
2oz of Symtec and a hand full of BBs.  Press the BBs into on side of the clay.  Get an electric blasting cap, put it in the clay, and connect it to the output (trigger wire) out a motion sensor.  Put the package into a think 21n diameter pipe, with one end capped shut.  Aim it across any entry into your bike storage spot about waist high and viola!  You'll cut any would be intruder in half when they try to come in!

Just don't forget to build-in a few failsafe measures so it doesn't cut you in half.

Extreme measures for an extreme bike!  
I know a guy who has his house and property "protected" with green versions of what you described.
I don't doubt you do, NJ.
I keep it locked up in the garage when at home and have a good insurance policy for when i am out on it. Install a bike specific alarm with a mercury switch and get a CHL to carry a pistol with you. Some alarms even come with an optional paging system so you will be notified when someone is tampering with your bike.

Best way to protect your investment will be an insurance policy with a low deductable...:cool: