Well I toke the advise of everybody. But please god tell me that I wont have to change my chain again, seeing that I just changed it...I have less than 30 miles on it right now. ok here is what I purchased.
Code Product Quantity Price/Ea. Total
SSSSCS Steel Counter Sprockets $12.99 $12.99
Select Width: 530 (+$4) $4.00 $4.00
Select Bike: GSXR1300 (530 only)
List Year of Bike: 2003
Select Size: 16
SSSPSP Suzuki Aluminum Alloy Rear Sprockets $37.99
Select Width: 530 (+$13) $13.00 $13.00
Select Bike: GSXR1300
Please list exact year of bike: 2003
Teeth: 42
Total: $67.98
I purchased it from
rev limiter racing
I hope they work out the way I expect.
By the way what is the easiest way to remove the old sprockets and would anybody be willing to purchase them...They have about 5500 miles on them and in great shape.