Thinking of moving to AZ

I was there one time, and the tar in the streets was bubbling.
That happened in Tempe... They had just resurfaced the main road running over to the stadium for the superbowl game and the company used a heavy tar blend and it melted into a flat sheet of tar down Scottsdale road... 1998 maybe? give or take a year or 2
I've lived in the metro Phoenix area for 5 years. We are on the outskirts and near the open desert. To me the desert is incredably beautiful. I love the catus in all its various forms. Truely a beautiful and enchanting place. Flagstaff is cold in the winter and generally very nice from April through early October. And... there are several cities in the upper elevations with relatively nice mild climates. Personally I love the heat in the summer until around the end of August. Then I'm ready for some cooler weather. There are two places I have lived in my 62 years that I never wanted to leave; one is Hawaii, and the other is Arizona. A beautiful place, and we never get the brutal winters in the Phoenix area. Just my 2 cents...

Montana Mountain 046.jpg
Danny, I'll probably be living in that area in a few years. Sun City West to be exact. Mikki needs good Medical care is the deciding factor. (Mom has a house in SCW I'll inherit)

I also like the fact that anything you want to do is in the Phoenix area. Baseball, Football, Hockey, Club/Group rides, Trade Shows and a lot of Golf..yadda..yadda.

See you in a few!

Most have no idea that much of Arizona is "National Forest" land.. lots of snow, mountains and great roads.. and of course some of the most scenic areas in the USA..

Got a couple great holes in the ground too... Grand Canyon and of course meteor crater..
Water? second only to FL for boats per capita and swimming pools
Most have no idea that much of Arizona is "National Forest" land.. lots of snow, mountains and great roads.. and of course some of the most scenic areas in the USA..

Got a couple great holes in the ground too... Grand Canyon and of course meteor crater..
Water? second only to FL for boats per capita and swimming pools

ssshiiisssshh! We don't want them here Randy. :laugh:

Be quiet. Please.

OK, since I'm here to help.

Four reasons why you don't want to live here.

1) It's hot.


2) These roam freely.


3) The Desert is beautiful alright.


4) George is hibernating right now but he will be out in the Spring. Hungry too!


And you need to buy a pair of boots.



Yes! Every where you look too!

Stay home. :laugh:

:rofl: you know I lived and hunted the desert for 20 years before I saw my first "live non captive" rattlesnake.. they are not so easy to find unless you actually start hunting for them.. suckers like to hide

(then they jump out at you from 20' away and sink 3" fangs 5" deep into your leg and dont leg to till you die or your leg falls off.... Do not move to AZ..

they can jump at least 3 times their body length... :whistle:

Hey you forgot the Cholla cactus too.... "Jumping cactus" Weee!!

Hurry back Kokomo. You were very creative and entertaining. I have to admit I didn't exactly care for your timing with Christmas and all. Be good.

I would live in AZ :bowdown: