Mr Brown. I wish to concur on some of this. I worked for a Defense Contractor for a few years. I said the same thing. It's like welfare for the middle class. Don't get me wrong there are some fantastic people that are employed by these Cos. However they aren't the majority. The idea is if it takes 2 people to do a job, but we can convince the govt it takes 8, then we contract for 8. So those 6 are usually losers that just get carried along. We also had to hire a quota of certain groups of people. Man what a mess that is if they are useless and employed. They just get relegated to a paycheck in a corner to keep the quota met.
Then peace broke out around the late 90s. Suddenly all these employees were let go. And it was a major contributor to the Ca economy collapsing. All those middle class welfare jobs, fed a lot of others professions. And they all dried up.
To the rest we may not agree, or we may partially agree, but I have watched what has happened as we took money out of the military and used it elsewhere. Perhaps you have watched the rise of China? And the reconstitution of the Soviet Union?
For me its a simple formula. We are spending more than we are making as a country. And just like a family in debt with bills to pay, we begin to cut back. Then we decide we don't need cable. Don't need Starbucks, don't need a motorcycle. We have to figure out how to survive on less.
We need to bring jobs back to the country. Top to bottom jobs. Tax paying workers. Tax paying corporations. Tax paying politicians.