THIS is why I RIDE!!!


Call me Daddy...
Donating Member
I've had some sweet rides before, but I've never been as smooth and "with it" as I was today. Let me tell you about it... if I can slow my mind down long enough to type it. Man, I'm sooooooo pumped!

The weather finally cooperated on a day off so I HAD to roll. Due to my work schedule and the weather on my off days it's been nearly a month since I got to ride. The temps reached the 50's today and the sun was in and out warming things up so me & ChikkinStrip (ridin' partner with 6RR) hooked up and rolled. My plan was to roll an easy pace concentratin' on the basics. I haven't had much confidence since I drove off the road a while back so the plan was to just roll on some miles to rebuild my confidence and re-enforce the basics in my head.

I rolled out and headed to ChikkinStrip's house. I started out easy, concentrating on bein' smooth, body steering, arms relaxed, look where ya wanna go... all that stuff. The first corner came and went and aside from the tires bein' cold and feelin' a little mushy it felt soooooooo good to be back in the saddle again. As more corners came and went the tires started warmin' up and I started gettin' into the groove. I got in around 25 miles before meetin' up with Chikkin and by that time I think I was feelin' better on the 10 than I have since I bought it, and most definitely better than I have since the off road adventure. I was in a zone and everything was just goin' perfect. Man, it was sweet.

Anyway, after having Chikkin join the ride we hit some of our favorite local roads. I had already told him on the phone that I was going to take it easy today. Well, seein' as how I was in the zone and me and the 10 were gellin' so well I told him that I had changed my mind and that he should run his own pace because I was probably going to be goin' deep on some corners and probably wouldn't be braking before turns like I usually do to keep from running him in too hot. So, with him being put on notice of my intentions we headed out.

From the time we left his house to the time we split off to head our separate ways EVERYTHING went sooooooooooo friggin' perfect! We friggin' RAILED through the route we took and not once did I ever think, "Hmmm, I could have done that better..." or, "I should have blah blah blah..." Not once! Oh my God, all I could do was smile in my helmet. A few times I even let out a "Woooohoooooo!" and occasionally a "####, that corner was awesome!". At one point I even done a frickin' thumbs up before I realized I was doin' it. I'm talkin' the PERFECT ride. The one we look for every time we take the bike out. The HOLY GRAIL of sport riding!

After about 80 miles of pure adrenaline inducing perfection on two wheels we finally stopped for a water/pee break. I swear that it felt like we had just left our starting point and just pulled into the parking lot where we took our break. Each road passed by so quickly and smoothly that the concept of time and distance didn't even register in my head. I've never had a ride flow like the one I had today. I've never been so deep in the groove that I lost track of time and distance like that. As I type this I still have this HUGE #### eatin' grin on my face and the only thing going through my mind right now is...

What a friggin' ride!!!

THIS is what it's all about my friends. THIS is why I RIDE...




Yeah, no pics must mean it was a good ride! Enjoy and get some more ridin' in!

Been there, done that...(place another fake yawn here.)

Isn't it the best feeling in the world? All the tracks, coffee shops and 1/4 mile bragging rights don't even compare. It's why you ride. If only you could bottle what you feel right now and sell it.....$$$$

Know exactly what you mean. I've had rides like that, but can only count them on two fingers.

Right on BulletTrain. I'ts soooo elusive. Sometimes I come home just glad I didn't drop it, and sometimes it's close to what you did today. But only once in a very blue moon do you ever actually reach it, and there isn't enough money in the world to replace it. It's something YOU did, and YOU alone. The ride is it's own reward and you just came in first palce today. Congrats.

Your killing me. Its always frick'n rain and ice here right now. I NEED to get out for a ride.

My kingdom to be you today! YOU DA MAN


Sounds like fun BT. What happened with the off road adventure? I missed that one.
I cooked over a hillcrest thinkin' there was a straight on the other side. When I topped the hill the road took a HARD left and I didn't... I rode off the road into a big field. Didn't hit anything or drop it, but scared the crap outta myself.

Been there, done that...(place another fake yawn here.)

Isn't it the best feeling in the world? All the tracks, coffee shops and 1/4 mile bragging rights don't even compare. It's why you ride. If only you could bottle what you feel right now and sell it.....$$$$

Know exactly what you mean. I've had rides like that, but can only count them on two fingers.

Right on BulletTrain. I'ts soooo elusive. Sometimes I come home just glad I didn't drop it, and sometimes it's close to what you did today. But only once in a very blue moon do you ever actually reach it, and there isn't enough money in the world to replace it. It's something YOU did, and YOU alone. The ride is it's own reward and you just came in first palce today. Congrats.

Your killing me. Its always frick'n rain and ice here right now. I NEED to get out for a ride.

My kingdom to be you today! YOU DA MAN

Yeah, this has to be one of the greatest feelings in the world. If I could bottle the way I feel right now I'd have the next crack cocaine.
BT glad you have one of those rides were it seems that you are the ying and the bike is the yang. It's nice to have those rides where it all "clicks"!

Cheers BT
BT glad you have one of those rides were it seems that you are the ying and the bike is the yang. It's nice to have those rides where it all "clicks"!

Cheers BT
Yeah, I only remember one such ride in the busa. Those types of absolutely perfect rides just don't come along often, or so it seems anyway. I'll definitely be lookin' forward to the next one though.