this ones for justa-busa-girl...and everyone else I suppose


Donating Member
justa-busa-girl and I were talkin a few days back and she had asked to see some pics of my doggies so after I figured out how to post some they are. Feel free to post up your pets everyone!

the brindle is named Daisy. she's 1 and a half and I got her last year. Duke is on the right. he's 4 months old and I just got him this summer.

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you had me goin for a second...I wouldn't want to have to sick my "killing machines" on you :laugh:

Thanks much :beerchug:
My 3 year old is a carbon copy of Daisy in color. He however is getting a Grey mussel under the noose. I will have to get a pic up when I get home.
great lookin dogs everyone!

yeah it sucks that the idiots who get their hands on these dogs had to ruin for those of us who love the breed.