This will make You LOL! I pity the girl that rode with me last night!!!! OMG!!!

Dino, I agree with you on this one, problem is it never happened. (entertainment value only)
Riding the cowl, that must have been some experience for her. If your bike is configured as it is in your signature block without the grab bar, it's a wonder that she didn't squeeze a turd out of you!
She must have a pretty nice size pooper, cause you would think that would down right hurt ??

I wish I could be one of "those people" that never made mistakes !!
Get her one of those "This B!tch doesn't fall off!" tee shirts. She earned it.
lesson! Dino lighten up a bit..your attacking wag and he wasnt even the one who did it....:rulez:maybe we should close this out before it gets out of hand, thanks for sharing your mishap, so the rest of us can be reminded to be more carefull:thumbsup:
I agree with your thoughts, but not your presentation.

Nobody was hurt, thank everyone's lucky stars, Now's the perfect time to look back and laugh a bit. It's a huge release to laugh in relief. I have little doubt that Rashad has already beat himself up over this.

Let's get a quick chuckle out of it and move on. It's very unlikely to happen again.

And besides, all things said and done, that's some funny $h!t right there!


+1 Not what I would have done either but everyone is ok so it's ok to look back an laugh in relief...and as for you not into her :laugh:

Ok dino.. I appreciate your point of view and looking back I have probably made posts such as yours, in a thread such as mine at one time or another on a forum..

So.. I cant really get upset with you.

Its just that I made a mistake. It does happen. I thought ahead and then when it came time to leave, she jumped on with no question..and I didnt think to turn around and check.

If she had been in any danger of falling off, I would have been able to tell.

Her legs hugged the cowl and im told she really didnt even feel "that wrong" during the ride...whatever.

But I am NOT going to let something this funny go without posting no matter what...

If she had fallen off this post would have been about how you should never forget to put the seat on for a passenger, and im an idiot for forgetting once I got on to warm up the bike... But she didnt...kinda like my post about me almost getting hit by a rav4.. it was funny.. because I DIDNT.

Ive learned to take things as they happen and do what you can with them for the future. I will NEVER forget that again because of this.:rulez:

As for Drinking and are no ASSuming. We both had helmets, and jackets and I couldnt convince her to put on jeans. And NO I wasnt drinking......yet.:whistle:

Thanks for your concern for Amanda though.
Ok dino.. I appreciate your point of view and looking back I have probably made posts such as yours, in a thread such as mine at one time or another on a forum..

So.. I cant really get upset with you.

Its just that I made a mistake. It does happen. I thought ahead and then when it came time to leave, she jumped on with no question..and I didnt think to turn around and check.

If she had been in any danger of falling off, I would have been able to tell.

Her legs hugged the cowl and im told she really didnt even feel "that wrong" during the ride...whatever.

But I am NOT going to let something this funny go without posting no matter what...

If she had fallen off this post would have been about how you should never forget to put the seat on for a passenger, and im an idiot for forgetting once I got on to warm up the bike... But she didnt...kinda like my post about me almost getting hit by a rav4.. it was funny.. because I DIDNT.

Ive learned to take things as they happen and do what you can with them for the future. I will NEVER forget that again because of this.:rulez:

As for Drinking and are no ASSuming. We both had helmets, and jackets and I couldnt convince her to put on jeans. And NO I wasnt drinking......yet.:whistle:

Thanks for your concern for Amanda though.

Well said.

I wasn't attacking Wag sorry if it seemed that way. This is a situation that turned out good but could have been tragic. You could say that any time that you make it home after having a few beers. We here about LEOs coming down on sport bike riders but sometime we have accept that we can be our own worst enemies. How do you think it looked to other drivers?

I am still interested in what she had on besides a helmet. Sorry I missed it in you post but did you say she only had on shorts? What is to convince? Let me help you say: "no gear no ride.". It is easy.
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+1 Not what I would have done either but everyone is ok so it's ok to look back an laugh in relief...and as for you not into her :laugh:


So if the post was about how someone got so wasted yet made it home would it be something we could look back and laugh at?
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So if the post was about how someone got so wasted yet made it home would it be something we could look back and laugh at?
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I could laugh at it I don't speak for others..Thats just me. Triple digit speeds anywhere regardless of gear, seat or no seat is reckless, passenger or solo. You can take all the safety precautions you want an I assure it isn't enough. But people do it an smile about it later. I am curious as to what kind of rider you are??? Do you obey the posted speed limit an follow all the rules of the road at all times???
When riding with a passenger I stay within the legal limits. Also no passengers without proper gear.
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