This will make You LOL! I pity the girl that rode with me last night!!!! OMG!!!

is that what black eyed peas are talking about with thier lovely lady humps?
You boys are getting me all hot and bothered...might need to cut out of work early and take the Busa for a ride.:laugh:
If you decided to take the Busa for a ride, you could probably sit on the hump. Just saying.:rofl:
lets just say.. my massage was better than the one she got from 3 clicks out of compression damping:rofl:

Oh, crap, that's hilarious! LMMFAO

I can't believe this thread is still going strong!

While I can appreciate the humor in this incident...

It's important to note that the rider has a very real responsibility to properly educate/instruct a passenger and to also ensure that a passenger is properly attired (ALL the gear) since many passengers have no real understanding of the dangers of riding. The argument can be made that taking a casual passenger up to 120 mph is simply irresponsible in and of itself.

Fortunately, this time, everybody got home safe with little more than humorous anecdote. How different this story would have been had the young lady somehow gotten hurt or killed as a result of the ride.

We should all see this as a reminder of how important it is to pay careful attention to protecting those whom entrust us with their lives.

Ride, but ride safe! :beerchug: