Thought you guys might enjoy a Hayabusa

Very Good!! I'm impressed...
I wondered why you were keeping it in third thru those tighter parts... figured you musta been having traction probs coming out or something.

neato vid
Very Nice

That just makes me want to get back on the track. That would be a nice track if weren't so dam far away.
Thanks for all the comments guys! Forgot to mention that the first part of the video before the track is HWY-30 in Oregon. This road is amazing and one of the top ten roads in the country.
I enjoyed the video! even better if it was available for download. Looks like you and your bike had fun.
Any one that wants to down load it instead of having to go to the link, it will be on my website under the 'Motorcycles' page. Click the 'Hayabusa' link once in that page and scroll to the bottom. It's the video titled 'JT2 and the Busa'. It wont be up on the site until the 1st of the month though, that's when I update it!

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