Thoughts on organ donation, from someone that is in need...

Meta title: organ

If its been since Thanksgiving and your still thinking about it I think you should talk to her. If you don't you will be pondering her statement for quite some time to come. Try to open her eyes and mind a bit. If that doesn't help than at least you tried and your conscience will be clear.

She doesn't live in VA, so she was just here for the holiday with family...IF I'm ever around her and hear her talking like that, I will definitely say something next time. Problem I have is being diplomatic; I'll go off on her LOL Yeah, it has been on my mind for some reason...thought if I just posted it up here, it might get out of my head :)
Well what i REALLY meant was that I know how hard it is for you to exercise self control around some me for examaple:rofl:

I have self control...

Did I stalk you when you stayed at my house? No, that was GIXERHP, remember?! Jeez :rofl:
My brother in law had his organs "harvested" after his accident. We were only told very vague details about it. My sister got a letter addressed to her and my nephew stating that someone's life had been saved by his donations.. They still have the letter..

I don't really understand why anyone wouldn't be an organ donor. I donate blood, why wouldn't I donate my organs?
what the five fingers say to the face, slap........nah you got some good self control, people that act that way are usually way worse than they let on so i tend not to be baited into that kind of garbage, you did the right thing by just letting it a donor also
Tell her the story about Don. Show her Don's picture, and remind her that someone died to be the donor. Although it probably wouldn't do her any good.

Probably best that you got it out here and got it over with, no sense in carrying that in your gut for months...
Tell her the story about Don. Show her Don's picture, and remind her that someone died to be the donor. Although it probably wouldn't do her any good.

Probably best that you got it out here and got it over with, no sense in carrying that in your gut for months...

BINGO! Don is exactly who ran through my mind as she spouted off...he wasn't your stereotypical sport biker she's thinking about (and neither of most of us). I'm sure Don was a donor; hurts to think someone would giggle about such a loss.
Yes, Don was. If I remember correctly, his wife told us about what he gave....besides all....
i had a friend approach me the other day begging me not to continue being a donor due to research and finding that in cases of questionable survivability...donors were not given 100% chances of living by makeing decisions to end life sooner than those who were not donors.... im looking into her statements and asking for back up as i am a donor but if i have a chance of living even if im paralized or you may not have my organs. i need to be brain dead with no hope of recovery (more than i already am lol :laugh:)
Truth is motorcycle riders wearing leather jackets and chaps without a helmet make great donors. Their bodies will be pretty well protected and they will die from otherwise would be a minor head injury with a helmet. Sorry to hijack, but WEAR THOSE HELMETS!!! Then we won't be such donors.
i had a friend approach me the other day begging me not to continue being a donor due to research and finding that in cases of questionable survivability...donors were not given 100% chances of living by makeing decisions to end life sooner than those who were not donors.... im looking into her statements and asking for back up as i am a donor but if i have a chance of living even if im paralized or you may not have my organs. i need to be brain dead with no hope of recovery (more than i already am lol :laugh:)

Good quandry::thumbsup:

I heard this some time ago as well and I too sought the answers to this which is somewhat of an "urban myth" thing about WHEN they decide to extract the organs and WHO makes that call. Now, with that said, I cannot quote my source on the shock Trauma team here but there is some truth to what you heard...

The harvesting process has to be very quick and effective once a person is identified as a donor, and typically, there has to be a 'quicker than usual" decision about the harvesting process and as a first tier the hospitals rely on the paramedics for the assesment, but even with THAT the person still has to make it back to the ER for the harvesting to take place under controllled conditions but there's an element of "time" involved and that comes with what amounts to be a delicate balance...

i DO know that if a person is identified as a donor here, a primary attempt is made to contact next of kin (if the info is available) to notify that the donor process should begin, mostly as a CYA from emotional familiies but the Dr's REALLY think of it from of respect aspect, which I personally appreciate...

Now I dont know about other states, but I would assume it pretty much runs the same... for the most part.

I am not a donor...personal choice..I don't donate blood either..but I have my reasons.
I'm a donor, far as im concerned when i go, take whatevers left and put it to better use!!

I brush the donorcycle thing off alot, its just like i ride with a leather vest and have tattoos so i must be a bad person ???
Wait a minute here as i sat here reading this post, i was thinking, of really what to say, then i get thrown under the bus! Jeez!!
I have self control...

Did I stalk you when you stayed at my house? No, that was GIXERHP, remember?! Jeez :rofl:
But on a serious note,, Michelle, you not saying any since Thanksgiving shows your true strength. Most people dont realize what comes out of there mouths. I really thinks she does need a awakening of her comments, but there really is no way easy way of doing it!