Thoughts/prayers for a young rider

This is an update from the family
They operated on Preston this afternoon and the surgery went well. It was not necessary to remove the spleen. Some fluids were removed. We need to pray for infection by the "mesa" virus and for his lungs. Thanks for all your faithful prayers.

"mesa" is actually the MRSA virus
Any updates!!!

Praying for full recovery.

This was from yesterday.
Thank God for a good day. The new bed that turns Preston slowly from side to side is good for his lungs. All the numbers are either stable or moving towards the right direction. Continue to pray for healing for the lungs and the battle against the Mesa virus and infection

And this was as of this morning
Praise!!! This morning his lungs are much Improved. They are clearer.

A caring Bridge website has been setup to keep family and friends up to date with Preston's progress. CaringBridge / prestonshobe / Welcome

Please keep Preston and the Shobe family in your continued prayers
Preston talks softly but comprehensible! He's able to follow commands. His lungs are better and his breathing improves. Thanks for your faithful prayers

He has been moved to step-down ICU, but still very weak