Throwing FI light 200 miles after Dyno tune

Ok C-23 is the code being thrown...Tip over sensor is what it is. Need info on tip over sensor. Gonna start searching now...Any help out there? Thanks...Bike was hit by car 6 months ago and fell on right side. Dealer repaired all work and no problems since....
Found the problem hopefully... C-23 ( Tip over sensor). Turns out it was fine after the tune and just a coinsidence. I'm glad I was home when it happened and not on the road...I guess switches just go bad. Thanks for all the help I learned a lot. Stealership is gonna fix me up!...I

Found the problem hopefully... C-23 ( Tip over sensor). Turns out it was fine after the tune and just a coinsidence. I'm glad I was home when it happened and not on the road...I guess switches just go bad. Thanks for all the help I learned a lot. Stealership is gonna fix me up!...I

Was that the only code displayed...? It will show more than one if there are other issues. I hope it was something as simple as the sensor. Take care... :beerchug:
that's a little odd that your tip over switch went "bad". I've had the same one on my bike for the last 7 years. Maybe it rattle loose and was mounted wrong. I've made that mistake myself.
My bike was knocked over buy a car in september while i was parked. I had everything repaired at dealer and has been fine till now. This is the only code thrown. It didnt cycle through to any more codes. I trailered it to my dealer and its getting serviced tomorrow