Ticking noise on new 06 busa

Yeah I just bought an 06 about a month ago and was worried about the same problems, but I found a way to fix it....put on a nice loud exhaust, HA! Nah that doesnt even fix it, but Ive got about 2300 miles and nothing has gone wrong yet....
When I first picked my busa up. The dealer told me that I might hear a clicking noise coming from the front of the engine after a couple of hundred mile. He said that it is normal, That it is the cam chain tensioner trying to adjust it self.
yeah I'm working on ignoring the sound, even though I sometimes feel like it's an old vw bus or something with a noisey lifter, best solution is go faster can't hear it so much at 90
Just let dealer know you are concerned and be sure it's documented. Then ride her like you stole her.
I also have a 06 that I hear ticking, mainly at idle or when I rev the motor a little and let off. As the motor return’s back to idle it becomes much more noticeable. My first impression was the chain tensioner or a lifter. After really listening, I am leaning more toward the fuel injectors making the noise. These are inherently noisy anyway.

I wouldn’t worry too much. Motorcycles make a lot of funny sounds.
My '06 made the same sounds when it was new. It is at about 1700 miles now and the ticking has started to fade away. I broke it in by the book and have been riding it harder as the mileage has increased.

When the folks around here say "ride it hard" they aint just whistling Dixie man, the bike actually seems to appreciate a good hard ride every now and then! Dont get in trouble but thrash it a tick!

I used the engine braking technique (they taught me that one at the Bash back in April) the other day to slow down and snicker at a Harley rider and I KNOW the bike loved that one!!!
I have an 06 with about 2450 and I hear the same thing.

Cold start in the morning sounds pretty noisy, till it gets warm and then it quiets down. I usually don't ride till she's real warm, but a couple of times I was late, and only let her warm over for about a minute and she was noisy as hell for the first minute or two so I never got her over 4k on the tac. Always heard it was the cam tensioner oil issue.

For some reason she runs and sounds a whole lot better when the temps outside are cooler ( 60-70 degrees), but all my Suzuki's have acted the same way.

In the heat, especially with a lot of stop and go's she ticks pretty good, but then again, all my Suzuki's have as well.

Running wide open... sounds like a finally tuned orchestra playing the sweetest melodies I have ever heard.

CarolinaBusa Said:
I wouldn’t worry too much. Motorcycles make a lot of funny sounds.[/QUOTE]

Oh so true... heck, I hardly hear my fuel pump anymore
had same problem, i switched to synthetic oil recently and it seemed to go away for now...not sure if it was remody or just went away with oil change...i have 1800 miles on the 06 now and seems fine???
Don't be too worried i have a 01 with 5800 mi on it and it tic's like a mutha i call it my factory kinz injectors
YEAHYA!don't worry unless you hear things knocking around in there tics are normal ride it and enjoy yo self! cause its a celebration! U! NITY!
i have an 06 that started to have ticking noises at around 1k. Now i have 3k and when i ride hard, turn it off, then restart say after 10 minutes off, i hear a knocking engine noise, like a lifter or something, only to disappears after about 5-15 secs with no noticeable performance problems on the bike. is this normal with this bike? im riding in LA so there's traffic some hot days so i just changed my oil/filter to a 10w/60w synthetic tonight. I'll take it to Muholland dr. in the morning to check it out. Everything is still stock on the bike. Other than this knocking issue, everything is good on the bike. Any ideas?
My ticking went away after the first oil change and putting good hard ride it like you stole it miles on it. I now have 1400 miles on mine and had it only a month......Gotta love it.

Amzoil synthetic 10/40 at the first 600 by the way
Mine did this as well. It was quite loud, and cyclic, and it turns out it is the exhaust heat cycling. Had me worried though.
sorry to drag this one out guys, but I'm new to the board (obviously) and am in the market for an 04 busa. She went down fairly hard and ate all the fairings and bent the forks but is mechanically sound....that is, except for that noise. It's got the loudest valvetrain I've ever heard. Bear in mind that the fairings are off of it and probably hold in a lot of the noise normally. It had a valve adjustment a few thousand miles ago however is now at 26K on the clock. I know it's one of those things that you gotta hear to be sure but man it's noisy and I'm no newb to mechanics. It had the a valve adjustment, comp. check, full service just at the start of the year and wasn't ridden too much since. I wish I had another busa to compare it to without fairings but in alaska good luck finding another close at hand. Lemme know what you guys think. The price is right and I want it bad. Also, is 26K considered a lot by on busas as far as you all know? I mean I see guys talkin about 4-6000 miles and was kinda wondering what the norm is. Thanks in advance - Zack
Its about the only thing every Busa owner asks "Whats this ticking noise" I did the same 3 years ago when I first bought the bike, I have now done over 15000 miles been touring europe 4 times Run on fully Synthetic oil and change it about every 3000 miles.
I still have the "Ticking" and dont even take any notice about it any more, So please listen to what EVERY busa rider says we all have it, its one of the noises this big motor has, It runs as sweet or better than when I first bought it, I got 56 Imperial MPG when I last toured Europe 2 up fully loaded so I dont worry about a little noise any more.
I was thinking about changing it for a more "Touring" type bike but as soon as I get on it I know that this bike does everything I want it too. I dont just tour I love to go for short blasts as well and have taken it too 175mph. But I prefer to be living on the outside of prison so I probably wont be doing it again.
I Just love this Bike.
hello to all other motor cycle owners with great taste
I just traded my cruiser in for a Busa AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
It is awesome
However i hear that same tick/ knock when the revs drop down just as someone else mentioned. It is at 300 miles and it did it as soon as i bought it new? it doesnt sound like it could be a rod becasue rods are perpetual once they start. you guys are talking about an adjuster self adjusting on an 06

(DARKFIST @ Sep. 16 2006,18:34)
hello to all other motor cycle owners with great taste
I just traded my cruiser in for a Busa AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
It is awesome
However i hear that same tick/ knock when the revs drop down just as someone else mentioned. It is at 300 miles and it did it as soon as i bought it new? it doesnt sound like it could be a rod becasue rods are perpetual once they start. you guys are talking about an adjuster self adjusting on an 06
Mine does not have 300 miles yet and ticks,lol. I thought I broke my bike before finding this tread.
