Good luck to all and get those applications in. Once chosen, you will be contacted by me to get your sponsorship package together. The economy sucks and every racer could use a little help anywhere they can find it. Even me. I'm building a new 300mph LSR racer and understand the necessity for sponsorship. Also understand that if you are chosen, you have a responsibility to your sponsor to do your very best in your sport and to promote your racing every where you can. As a sponsored racer myself, I try to help my sponsors out by promoting their products and showing my appreciation by sporting their stickers and talking up their products. Thats how it works folks, getting something nothing has it's rewards but also carries it responsibilties for the racer no matter who sponsors you.
I look forward to Captain announcing the 5 lucky folks and hope for a great season for all.
I look forward to Captain announcing the 5 lucky folks and hope for a great season for all.