time to cool my jets


Well I just got my second ticket this year
Both were on back windy roads (30MPH limit) and I keeping it tame cornering around 48-50 or so. They showed me no luv and cited me both times, with one guy bustin my chops about sport bikes. I guess I don't have much choice to keep it legal for the rest of this year unless I feel like walking--- HARD to do with a busa sitting underneath me! I may have to look into a radar detector mount...
Hey im at the limit too this year. One after 2 wks riding the busa i made the mistake of letting off the gas and powering up again. I think u know what happened but the front wheel lifted into what turned into a real nice wheelie. a chick flashed me, dudes were giving me the hard rock sign. But the cops were on me before the chick could even but her shirt down ah well

The next one was in Ohio, and was clocked by an airplane dammit...77 in 60
all the cop said as he handed me the 110 fine was slow down canuck
I hate it when cops scope out some windy road where no else is around. That's the safest place. They should concentrate in cities or residential areas. Its a waste of my tax dollars for a cop to sit out in the middle of nowhere, when he should be where the people are.
Perhaps you need to turn it UP instead of cooling your jets...

If you were going... say... 140... The officer would prolly reconsider pullin gout after you.
That is why you should always keep a full tank of gas.
You never know when you might need it.
Very good idea, except for the fact I live in a small town (pop=6k) with 3 patrol cars. There ain't many black/purple busa's flying 'round. I figured no sense having the fuzz hunt me on my home turf.

Believe me, ticket three ain't going to happen without a good amount of fuel spent
1127-- great link--thanks!!! Anyone here got a setup like so (either jammer and/or detector)? I think it's time to make this my next mod!
I got my detector from them but as of yet no jammer, it works pretty good but as u can read at the site nuthin is fool proof and the instant on lazer is hard to beat. My buddy in Seattle uses a Lawyer to reduce tickets to nuthin but the attorney's fees are about $500 a pop. Better than ticket + ins increases ...
Very good idea, except for the fact I live in a small town (pop=6k) with 3 patrol cars. There ain't many black/purple busa's flying 'round. I figured no sense having the fuzz hunt me on my home turf.

Believe me, ticket three ain't going to happen without a good amount of fuel spent
I think about that same sht all the time when i'm lets say exceeding
the proper speed limits.
There goes the 1300 pumkin they know were i live!!
Sounds like your local officer know and will cite you...Cool out for awhile and enjoy the slow ride...It's still a Busa...
We had our run with the cops a few weeks ago. I got stuck behind a car and the rest got ahead of me and he came up flying behind me with his lights on and after getting practically ran off the road he goes around me and the car in front of me and when we stopped he asked who was the 1 in the back?  I'll be damn if you can't tell when I was the only girl and biggest bike out of the 5 of us.  He said he couldn't identify who went over the double yellow lines, but he gave everyone but me a ticket for speeding (didn't have anyone on radar) & on top of that he dropped the speeding ticket down 5 mph.  He just wanted to give everyone a ticket because they frown on bikes in that area.  BS!
That's Virginia for you, cops suck. Most of the people themselves of law enforcement are not too bad, but when they put on the badge, there the enemy. It's all about the $$$.
Ya I generally got nothnig against LEOs, but the pricks lurking in corners nabbing bikers are my sworn enemy.
lol-- one for the good guys

I know that road well, if he could do 165 down rt1, he's braver than I-- that pavement sucks, not to mention all the intersections and cars pulling out!