Snow, I ride a 2001 TLR in yellow and black. I absolutely love this bike. It has tons of torgue but still likes to be run around the higher RPM's. They redline at 11 grand so thats pretty high for a twin considering the Honda Superhawk twin redlines at 9500. Anyways, I have the Yoshi RS-3 slip-ons and the thing sound incredible (ChattanoogaBusa) can vouch for it too. Yea there are some quirks to it just as with any bike you will ever buy but I have not had a single problem out of mine and it has 20,000 miles on it. And I think it is one of the best looking bikes ever made. I will never get rid of mine. Oh, and I will take mine out and ride mine 300 mile days and not be unconfortable at all and i'm 6'2" and 210lbs.
Here is a pic