To buy or not to buy an extended warrenty

Hi guys, I was wondering your thoughts about purchasing the extended warrenty for a 2009 Busa. Is it worth the extra money. I was given a price of $1,300 (Can)
I bought one with my '08, haven't had to use it yet, but I am a believer in warranties. They always seem to be worth it. Mine is 4 years after the initial year, so 5 total.
I bought it cause it was only a few hundred buck more. Since im stuck with the bill for the next 5 years, few hundred there or there didint matter.
1300.00 for how long, seems to be a little high. what kind of deductible?
if you keep bikes for a long time, it will be good idea to have.
look at this way, if you decided to sell the bike while you still have extended warranty, that will be a good value for the person who wants to buy your bike.
I Bought extended warranty for my bikes ( PEACE OF MIND )& ( RESALE ):beerchug:
Depends if you do any mods to it and if you are on good terms with your dealer.

They can deny whatever they want based on their view of user abuse.
Yeah , I got it. 4 more years of full coverage $0 deductable was well worth the extra $460:beerchug: I used it a couple times when I had my SV ,always honored by dealer with no issues!
i didn't get it since i knew i would never make it that long with it being sense in spending the $ for something i was just going to end up voiding :beerchug:
i didn't get it since i knew i would never make it that long with it being sense in spending the $ for something i was just going to end up voiding :beerchug:

Same here. My new bikes usually dont make it through the day until they have been worked over.
I have never had good luck with them. Seems like they always conveniently deny or don't cover whats broken. And in the rare occurance that they do cover something, it ends up taking more time and frustration than its worth. Not to be negative or anything :D

Also, for the short time I worked in retail, I learned that most companies consider extended warranties nearly 100% profit.
Wait till you try to use it... the horror stories are pretty plentiful... 2nd gear goes, and Suzuki will scramble like a rat off a sinking ship to get out of paying.. If I heard good things about the warranty, I would have got one.. had no desire to fight tooth and nail myself.. Maybe 1 or 2 people had good experiences? but I have not met them yet :)