To pee or not to pee

Where should I advertise my "Guaranteed Clean Urine*" service? Only $5.99/gallon, plus shipping.

*Not necessarily human urine.
im going to disagree with yall on this one. and here's why....
all it would do is punish the children of these "poor" people. some go hungry for their parents bad choices. while other children traumatized by peeing in a cup, for their parents.
is it not the children that this "help" is for?

on another note.
drug testing has never been about people being high at work.
most bosses can tell when an employee is high and fire them for that.
it's about Money, Control, and how much the insurance company's can make.
im going to disagree with yall on this one. and here's why....
all it would do is punish the children of these "poor" people. some go hungry for their parents bad choices. while other children traumatized by peeing in a cup, for their parents.
is it not the children that this "help" is for?


Yeah, druggies spend their money on food and clothing for their kids... LOL.

on another note.
drug testing has never been about people being high at work.
most bosses can tell when an employee is high and fire them for that.
it's about Money, Control, and how much the insurance company's can make

^^ Absolute balls, Red. - Try firing drunks/druggies who are protected by unions; it's impossible to get rid of them. Plus, they are a danger to other employees. Drug and alcohol testing is a good idea.
I understand what you are saying Russ, but it has become a cycle for generation after generation to be on the help of the system.

Perhaps if kids start seeing it isnt just free money and they can sit and hang with friends all day and get paid...maybe they will try harder to do something with their life and break the cycle. A little trauma of being asked to pee in a cup for Daddy may be enough for them to know they dont want to do that to their kids and work toward freeing themselves from government control.
I don't care what it takes to get people off the dole - if it takes shaming or embarrassing them, GOOD so be it. People are like water - most of them will ALWAYS take the path of least resistance. We need to separate those citizens who truly need it from those that don't and are just playing it.
I fully support people having to drug test for welfare but I like the way some other countries do there "Welfare", Vietnam (I Believe it is) you work for the city picking up trash and cleaning and mowing and all that until you find a job. If you dont work you dont get paid! I am tired of driving by Govt funded housing Projects and seeing nice cars and bikes and all that fun stuff with DirecTV antennas and knowing they arent working and I am working 84 hours a week and cant get all that fun stuff and I am paying them!! :banghead: :cursin: :deadhorse: But we all know it wont happen!
im going to disagree with yall on this one. and here's why....
all it would do is punish the children of these "poor" people. some go hungry for their parents bad choices. while other children traumatized by peeing in a cup, for their parents.
is it not the children that this "help" is for?

Let me address this point, because it is a valid one. Unfortunately, IF said parents are users, trust me, the food stamps and welfare money rarely go to their children. You don't think people trade what the state gives 'em for something else? There is a barter system in place if you're a user and have something to trade, including welfare $$.

My experience - I will preface this with this fact - this was years ago and perhaps the rules have changed, but all through high school I worked in a grocery story, small town. Welfare parents that would bring their kids in and use food stamps to buy one or two essentials (we'll say the milk and bread), then, said parents would get CASH as change for the $10 or $20 in food stamps they used. They would turn right around and go buy beer and cigarettes with the change they just received by cashing in those food stamps. Any cash they didn't use went to who-knows-what, but I assure you, it wasn't to feed their kids. So, simply put and in my experiences alone, I saw repeatedly this abuse of welfare dollars. The kids never got all they should, but you can bet your a$$ drunk Mom and Dad did...

IMHO, only those that ARE abusing the system complain at the idea of having to be tested. If you have nothing to hide, why would you care? If you have something to hide, my money's on the simple fact that you ARE abusing the system and your kids are NOT gaining much's all about choices, and we all have to make 'em. Be a responsible adult, whether you're gainfully employed or in need of assistance. There's no shame in taking the test unless you have something to hide, and if you have something to hide, think about the people that would greatly benefit from what you're taking advantage of...that applies to the workforce as well as welfare recipients.

You and I think alike. But, and a BIG BUT, the Left will NEVER let that happen. They have to take care of the poor.

Hell, I would love for Cops to pee. :please:
You and I think alike. But, and a BIG BUT, the Left will NEVER let that happen. They have to take care of the poor.

Hell, I would love for Cops to pee. :please:

They do, as do all law enforcement (and military)...
Fl. just passed a law that all state workers have to take a radium drug teat.

The state workers say that is unconstitutional, but I say if the privet sector has to then they should also, and they should finish it with all that get a welfare check should also.
