To the fake "Blanca Busa"...

I remember him, too. He loves beans on toasts.

He probably thought Blanca is Blue 'cause they have the same first two letters.
Does he even own a Busa?

BTW, I am changing my name to Azula Busa! Fastest color lives on!:thumbsup:

(I am a native Spanish speaker, so yes, I changed the word on purpose.)
CRAP! Why didn't anyone tell me that earlier!!!! :laugh::lol:

You know what they say, "Imitation Is The Best Form Of Flattery"

Maybe not so true when the imitator is a psycho who spends time making threatening calls from mommy's house... But whatever.
Wow, how bored does one have to be to do something like this? Glad Ken was on top of things! :beerchug:

Truth be told credit goes to Macon454 for noticing the colors didn't match up and alerting Blanca. Blanca PMed me and the rest is history.

Truth be told credit goes to Macon454 for noticing the colors didn't match up and alerting Blanca. Blanca PMed me and the rest is history.


Yes this is true. Shane PMed me last night asking if that post was me. I told him no it wasn't and then PMed Ken saying same that it wasn't me?
Oh, Nightflight...yes. I never said anything when he was a member here, but I always thought he was a few cans short of a six pack. Especially when he boasted about boosting quarters from a malfunctioning car wash machine.
Nightflight got mauled by Liltroy 'bout a year ago (tough cookie). Sorry to see
liltroy go.
so all the cool famous people here and he chose to be blanca....:rofl::moon: sorry I love ya though:laugh: