To Wash Or Not

I just spray a little non ammonia windex auto to get the bug's tar & dirt of.
Then a coat of plexus and use only microfibre towels. Unlike wax.. plexus was developed for clear, colored & painted plastic....this atuff takes a quarter of the time to apply and look as good or better imo.
my bike hasnt seen water since the last time i got caught in the rain. the spray polishes are the way to go
Good idea my buddy does is take pledge after every ride and clean the bike unless he gets caught in rain.
Pledge works pretty well for a quickie clean.

I usually wash when she's really dirty.

My bike was sitting in the garage without the cover on yesterday. Left the garage door open while I was cutting the grass. Saw that crap was all over my bike afterwards. Hmmmm.... Got out these furniture polish wipes I bought for a buck from the Dollar Tree store. Wow, that was easy. Looked good too. Wheels and everything!