Yeah , turn 50 end of March bro ! I have shattered every limb in places , crushed / compacted a couple of spinal vertebrae . 1st shattered / dislocated right hip and de fleshed ( de gloved ) right leg , smashed knee and multiple breaks in left foot and 3 ribs when I was 18 , first big accident on RZ350K . Then when I was 22 , I got t boned and shattered both wrists , the left wrist is fused solid . The lower left leg ( knee down ) was shattered in 3 areas , both bones , and left foot multiple fractures and shortened . The back vertebrae was done from 1st accident , the family jewels were also impacted on tank and were black bruised from 2nd , 2nd was GSXR1100G . So now I am due for right hip first replacement and right knee , then left hip which has worn down on carrying the left . The left knee is fitted with full lower leg length ti rod , and they don't want to replace that knee until they really have to , but that is wearing out to . I got ti rods in left fused wrist and pins , but broke the main ti rod defending my dog against a pitbull , so had to be removed . I am going good though bro , so don't worry , I adapt as you do , and make it work for oneself . Many in worse position from motorcycle passion , and silly behavior !! My old mate Big Al , has broken his neck twice road racing , and there he is in the clip , that crazy bastard !! I don't mind talking about anything to do with my good and not so much parts of my life experience , got to own your life eh bro !!Hips? How old are you Toadster? (accident or wear?) Sorry to bring it up but I seem to remember you commenting on the subject before so didn't figure you to be too touchy about it Amigo.
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