I was a 2 clicks away from actually buying a seat from him yesterday if he would have just chimed in..... That kinda dont sit with me well. As a sponsor, I think you should be there to always clarify anything in question of your product....
Yea he (Soupy) was on the thread long enough.. anyway he buys stock seats at $75 a pop off ebay for his inventory.
I spoke with Tobin on the phone some time ago and he told me they do the seats themselves and there is more than just chopping foam, they use a different density foam in sections (easy enough to confirm if you want to open one of his seats) Reason I spoke with him was that I did not want to sit any closer to the foot pegs. But I did want to get rid of the monkeybutt.. (comes from the foam pinching your tail as you settle in)
I ended up with a Corbin in the end as I was more concerned with "long haul" comfort