Warning: Multi-purpose post!!!
Hello, this is my first post. I have been lurking for quite some time, so I decided to come out of the dark.
I live about 35 miles away from Tobin. I called him and asked him if he did "ship only" or if he took drop-offs as well. He takes drop-offs. I would suggest that if you live within 100 miles and want a Tobin seat, set up an appointment and go see him. High gas prices or not.... simply worth it.
I took my seat down to him last Monday evening. He has two different styles, so I got to physically look at both, then we went out to his bike and I got to "try on" both seats... Made the decision so much easier. I then got to see all of his thread stock, compare colors, and pick the color I wanted. Then I got to preview the words on the computer before the thread hit the leather. He had my seat Monday evening around 5pm, and it was ready Friday by 3pm.
I just rode 109 miles today. When I got home, I was ready to go again. No butt fatigue.