Today's "WTF" story..

And put it on PPV :laugh: Shoot, I'd pay for the bullet...and the dirty, jagged scalpel... :whistle:

It has to be public. That way the scumbags will think twice about trying it in the first place. Many criminals only commit the crimes because they know they will be back on the street before too long anyway.
Unfortunately, humanity may never be able to completely rid itself of deviants, predators and the like.
Two Words: General Population

That and a T-Shirt that says: " I am a child molester"
i say **** him in the *** with a ***** wrapped in sandpaper till he dies.

just saying
Another heart-warming California tale.

Adding fuel to the 'fruits & nuts' fire we're constantly battling.
How come cruel and unusual treatment can be committed on a child, yet not on the perpetrator, I think our system needs a tweak.

Is there a difference between tweeking and tweaking? Hm...
lets just understand something......

putting the executions of these criminals will not deter future sex offenders....criminals do not murder,molest and rape because they feel they can get away with it..

but, executing these will serve a purpose as to lower the number of criminal deviants alive......we never be able to kill them all, but we should atleast give it a try....

bullets are too expensive, a knife or other bladed weapon needs only be purchased once, can be used over and over.
read about it the other day...he lasted about 3 years after being released from prison for similar charges till he took the girl. the only reform for these kind of people is death after the first offense. should be up to the victims family to decide how, ppv with a precentage of the proceeds going to the victim and /or family with an incentive for the more creative- the higher the precentage...text to vote.:thumbsup:
It all makes you wish for a primitive punishment like that done in city squares in Saudi..

How would hanging the offender by the "package" impact those who are contemplating doing something similar?
He and all others that pull that kinda crap should be put to death C-A-N-N-O-T fix these people!
"Eye for an Eye". I say they give Them a Life sentence and Let them out in the YARD at Folsom State Prison.........Video Tape what Happens then Brodcast that Tape to all the SICKO'S in the Country. :thumbsup:
Is there a difference between tweeking and tweaking? Hm...

Okay Noah, I was making ref to a change, not the urban drug culture definition.:laugh:
You are such a Hoon, (will I get banned for name calling?):laugh:
i saw they interviewed the neighbors and they claimed they heard kids crying but knew he had no kids and never thought twice about it. plus im sorry but CHECK MEGAN'S LAW WEBSITE its free...know who lives around you!!!