I was actually given a set of Tomahawks last year for free from the manufacturer to try out at the track. Both tires were recapped Pirelli Super Corsas with very similar tread patterns and the familiar SC1 and SC2 compound stamped on the side of the tire. I did a full day of testing on them at Streets of Willow and here is what I thought: TOTAL JUNK! The tires held together, but I never could get a good feel for them. I ended up running about 6 seconds a lap slower than I ran on Pirelli's but I felt like I was running 15 seconds a lap faster. Total white knuckle the whole day. 1/2 way through the day I was looking for a tire vendor to take them off but none of the vendors brought tires. Every single corner entrance was an opportunity to tuck the front and every exit you were guaranteed a slide coming out. Once I managed to contain myself on corner entry and just go in slow I was able to have some fun with the exits and slide it out. It looks really cool on video at least. The other disadvantage of these tires is that they are quite a bit heavier than a normal tire which really has a negative affect on the handling. I would stay away from them no matter what the cost.