Took the Silver Bullet out for a short ride.

Sweet sweet ride. Love the silver on the Gen II. Really shows off the little beauty lines on top of the hump. :thumbsup:
Thanks for all the nice replies guys. I hope as many of you as possible will be able to make it to the Reno Busa Stampede in July. What a great family gathering that is gonna be! :beerchug:
As soon as weather and road conditions permit, I'll take as many pics as possible "up top" along some of the proposed Stampede ride routes in the Sierra Nevada Mountains so you that are unfamiliar with the area can see what instore for you in July!
Hey Jim,

Glad to see that you got her out for a spin :thumbsup:

Maybe later in the month or early April we can hook up and do some scoutin' for the Stampede rides :beerchug:
Have to agree with everyone else, beautiful bike. For me anyway the silver with silver wheels is a really classy looking bike, congratulations on the '09 and thanks for posting the pictures.