~~ top of list on modifacations ~~


why ask why
Donating Member

Out of all the modifacations that we all do or think about doing in the future this is one of the best mods for the least money.

Angled air valves.

I smile everytime I check air pressure. No more fumbling around the rotors to set the air chuck. Highly approved for the next tire change whether stock or aftermarket wheels.

Fast..simple..and cheap.


Vendor that sold me the wheels NJ. They were extra but worth it. Around $25. It was a must have.

PJ @ pjparts has these as well as other board members should also stock. Come in different sizes so be sure to check.


I would think so. They come in specific sizes. Can't recall which..just part numbers and not MM on packing.

pjsparts.com carries these as well as several others.

90 Degree Aluminum valve stems Our Price: $27.00

We're always on the lookout for good products, and are VERY happy to now have these for you.. Do you check your tire pressure as often as you should? Do you do it when the tire is hot and have a hard time getting the gauge on the valve stem? What about when you have to get a hose on it to add air? All of those problems are over, with the Ariete 90 degree aluminum Valve stem. The body is all aluminum (not the cheap Rubber ones) and lockis into the wheel with a nut, that comes with a sealant/lubricant already applied. Fit all rims with an 11.3 mm Valve stem hole (moat all of them). If you're running Antera, Marvic, Marchesini, OZ racing, Brembo rims, please contact us and we'll order you the 8.3 mm stems. Available in Black, Blue, or Natural, and uses a standard Shrader valve.


Thanks for posting those Ruin!

We've got them in stock, and they're an easy install that pays off every time you check the tire pressure - I was sick of burning my hand on hot rotors till we got these.