Top speed you have achieved on your stock busa?

If the bike is geared (which is what I suspect) it'll show a higher speed. It really don't matter, I just get annoyed with stupid people like this, it's how you get idiots who say "oh, my friend's busa goes 200 mph..."

You Tube is chocked full of these videos too....I thought this one to be interesting for some reason...but then again, I didn't look too closely at it either.
I watched this today...the Red and black bike has to be a turbo bike...the other one obviously has a flash as he is over 320kms/hr...either way, these guys are moving...It sure would be a bit disheartening to be going 320kms/hr and have someone blow by you like that.

He took his bare hand off the grip at 180+? Hmm, never done that.... :confused: