Top Speed?

Birdofprey, if you ever want to go try again, I know the place. Maxed out my GS1100 there today, first time I ever saw redline in fifth on it. There is enough of a clear run to do the same with the Busa.
Guys- Just because some of us have (or claim to have) gone 200mph doesn't mean that you have to. The slightest mistake at that speed, and you will be a half mile long stain on the road. If you have to be able to say that you went 200mph, I would prefer that you lie about it than kill yourself trying to impress someone else. I did it for myself. I can't afford to impress anyone else. Geography has everything to do with being able to see top speed on a surface to surface missle like the Bus. Ever had a car pull out in front of you at 170mph?
A question from that far away country sweden (where the turbokits are always on time):

Don't you have that competition "The Flying Kilometer" in US?? I am planning to get my turbo top speed mesured there next year.

I'll be back!
196 MPH into rev limiter 11350 RPM
those speeds are off a gps REAL WORLD speed.
going to try 39 tooth to break 200 mph.
again in REAL WORLD speed.
motorcycle speedo is off 8% over 200mph.
GPS the way to go very accurate, and cheaper than a radar gun.

[This message has been edited by THE ICE MAN (edited 10 July 2000).]

[This message has been edited by THE ICE MAN (edited 10 July 2000).]
Booost, yes there is a flying kilometer, and flying mile in the U.S., that is how landspeed records are set, world recognized ones anyway. It happens each year at the Bonneville Salt Flats the third week each year in Aug., been that way since 1949, though land speed records have been set there since the very early 1900's.
Dont know much about GPS's, do know that world land speed records are for an average speed over a mile or kilo, not GPS though.

Hope you make it here to run, I can tell you that I will do everything I can for you for help and accomodations, please email anytime, at Joe :) :)