hi,i am for the first time here and i like the talking about the haya busa mine has now 3000 km on the tacho i drive very muchs in germany i have tried many times to match the topspeeds everybudy is talking about, my busa runs what i had on the tacho maxs.323 km/h it will not go faster i tried it many times believe me i live 20 km from the german auto bahn in a place cald scheemda my lengt is 1.93 m weight 110 kg maby i am too hevy hehe!!i had here for two gsxr,s 1100 94,95 last model whit laser open pipe the last bike was doing 295 km/h on tacho bud it was oucker then a kawa zzr 1100 and it stayed in front of it i was wondering about that , bud the haya busa i own no is muchs faster i have kill one german porche whit it past him at 300km/h he stickt his thum up too me very when i past him very sportie hehe !!my busa is red and black i am wathing for am nice 4 in 2 in 1 race exhaust maby akraapovic!! greetings too you all haya busers jan [ holland]