It sounds a lot like we have the same injuries... Where are your injuries, as in what vertabrae? My doctor prescribed zanaflex or tizanadine which is not a narcotic, it is not addictive and I have to tell ya that it makes the spasms go away. I take one before I go to bed and there is no grogginess or blurry vision at all, no side effects at all. I get great sleep and the muscles and nerves relax... Your condition sounds so familiar and I didnt get any relief until the first night I took the meds....
I too have a tens unit and it depends on where the spasms are at if it works... An hour in the hot tube followed by a zanaflex and Im good for a couple days....
See if your doc will let you try it! I forgot to mention a 90 day supply is only 10 bucks at walmart~! It made a huge change in my day to day life....
After several months of back pain from herniated disc, and herniating another, I have been forced to take disability by my employer this morning. I'm on several medications that mess me up too much to drive without risking a wreck or DUI. When I drove to get my bike back from Corbin I had to do it with no pain intervention. I'm still paying for that in muscle spasms. Because of that it isn't a good idea to drive to work. I can't sit in a desk chair for more than a few minutes before pain starts to get the best of me. I have appointment in 11 days to meet with a spine specialist for evaluation for surgery, again.
I know it's for my own good, but it almost feels like I'm being punished. So, now I can ride, do any lifting, or even work at my desk job. I feel lost, but not hopeless. I know that a new opportunity will come along if I keep my head up.
I just want to pain to go away enough that I can have a reasonable quality of life.
A chiropractor tried to correct my spine by pushing the lamina into the herniated discs, and made other bad things happen. I won't try that again.
I talked to my manager again today. I need to get on short-term disability and then he can push the company to let me work from home. That has lightened things a bit. My house is ready to go on the market this coming Monday. Getting it ready has taken a mental and physical toll on me. Hopefully it will sell quickly and I can close that chapter of my life and move on to better things.
have you looked into getting botox injections for pain control? worked for my daily migrains